![Solaris[tm] Product: Solaris 8 Foundation Source Program](images/header-solaris8-foundationsource.gif)
Welcome to the Solaris 8 Foundation Source Program!
Thanks for your interest and welcome to the Solaris[tm] 8
Foundation Source Program. Now you can view the source code for the
Solaris 8 Operating Environment -- the dot-com platform -- at home or
work without paying a huge source code fee.
Solaris 8 Foundation Source is the original Solaris 8 source code;
Solaris 8 Updates originate from this base source code. It is a blend
of source code (not updates) developed by Sun and binaries developed by
our partners. You must have the original Solaris 8 build environment in
order to build the Solaris 8 Foundation Source code.
The Solaris 8 Foundation Source is available through the purchase of
a media kit or as a Web download. The media kit costs $75 (U.S.) and
contains all of the CDs (including the source code) and documentation
you need to view and build the Solaris 8 Foundation Source.
To build the Solaris 8 Foundation Source you must have a Solaris 8
FCS version of the operating environment (SPARC[tm] or Intel Platform
Edition) and Sun Visual WorkShop[tm] C++ 5.0 on your computer. If you
do not have these products, you can obtain them through this program by
ordering a media kit.
The download consists of:
- Solaris 8 Foundation Source
The media kit build environment consists of:
- Solaris 8 Foundation Source
- Solaris 8 FCS Operating Environment (binaries) for SPARC or Intel Architecture platforms
- Sun Visual WorkShop C++ 5.0 (try-and-buy version) for SPARC
or Intel Architecture platforms (contains the C and C++ compiler needed
for the build)
Approximate download times
Get Solaris 8 Foundation Source
You must register to participate in this program. Please select
your preference for access to the Solaris 8 Foundation Source
from the options listed below:
- Option #1: I'd like to download the Solaris 8 Foundation Source
- This will allow you to register for the Solaris 8 Foundation
Source download program. Once you've registered you will be directed to
a site that contains the Solaris 8 Foundation Source License Agreement.
To complete registration for this program, simply print out the
agreement, complete it, sign it, and fax it back
to the Sun Download Center. Once we receive and verify this information
with your registration information, we will send you the URL and serial
number to download the viewable source product. Approximate turn around
time after receipt of your fax is 72 hours.
- Option #2: I'd like to purchase a Solaris 8 Foundation Source media kit
You may submit your order today. Cost for the media kit is $75.00
(U.S.) The media kit will begin shipping after December 15, 2000.
Of Interest:
- Enter the Solaris 8 Foundation Source Discussion Forum.
This site is protected. You must first register for this program and
accept the Solaris 8 Foundation Source license agreement before you can
obtain the
serial number necessary to access this site. If you have completed
these steps and do not have or have lost your serial number, you can
retrieve it by following the processes described on our Frequently
Asked Questions Web site (See question #13).
Developers |
Education |
The Solaris 8 Operating Environment is a sound architecture that
embraces the
network, promotes the efficient development of reusable code modules,
and simplifies data interchange, making it easier to create software
that performs well in today's highly distributed, heterogeneous
computing environments. Try this free source program if you want to
develop applications for the Solaris
Operating Environment. Interested in additional developer information?
Visit Sun's Developer Web site.
View leading-edge technology source code. Understand what it takes to
build and compile a dot-com Solaris 8 Operating Environment. Practice
developing programs
that will run on a Solaris 8 FCS Operating Environment. Interested in
education programs and information? Visit Sun's Worldwide Education and Research Web site.
Technical Support Service Provider |
Support Options |
View leading edge technology source code. Debug pesky application or
driver source code. Practice developing programs that will run on a
Solaris 8 FCS Operating Environment. |
Solaris 8 Foundation Source Discussion Forum
Developer Support - Various developer specific support offerings.
Education Support Programs
- Various education support programs.