SunSoft Introduces Solaris 2.5
Increased Performance and Security for Enterprise Network Operating Environments
MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. -- October 31, 1995 -- SunSoft, Inc., the leading information and communications infrastructure software company, today introduced Solaris™ 2.5 for information technology professionals who deliver network computing solutions that give businesses a competitive advantage through improved communications, and the ability to quickly adapt to business change. Solaris 2.5 is available for today's leading microprocessor architectures including SPARC™, UltraSPARC™, Intel®x86, Pentium™, Pentium Pro™ and PowerPC™.
Key improvements include impressive performance gains, as well as advances in database connectivity, 3-D graphics and imaging, security, and networking throughput and management.
"When the network is the life-blood of your business you must have more than an upgraded desktop operating system at its heart," said Janpieter Scheerder, president of SunSoft. "Solaris is proven, and has the best price/performance and functionality range of any UNIX-based CISC or RISC operating environment."
Application and Internet Server Advancements
Solaris delivers powerful 1-64 processor scalability in addition to the following improvements in performance and functionality:Solaris Networking and Enterprise Management Advances
Solaris 2.5 has many new features for managing network and directory services throughout an entire enterprise. NFS™ version 3 is now available. NFS is an enterprise distributed file service that enables transparent high-performance access to information on the network. NFS has become the de facto standard for network file sharing with more than 8.5M nodes deployed since it was originally introduced by Sun. New in NFS v3 are: safe asynchronous writes that improve performance several-fold over NFS v2; arbitrarily large transfer packet sizes especially well suited for high-bandwidth networks such as ATM and FDDI; and reliable NFS over wide area networks based on TCP/IP error correction and congestion control.Commercial and Technical Desktop Improvements
Additional Solaris 2.5 Advances
Solaris 2.5 includes an enhanced binary compatibility package (BCP) for SunOS™ 4.x developed applications. Applications that mix static and dynamic linking are now supported under BCP. Also supported is bcopy in libc from SunOS 4.x. This increases the ease with which software developers can migrate their SunOS applications to Solaris without rewriting large portions of their application.Solaris 2.5 is SunSoft's most tested software release ever. SunSoft's focus on quality has produced the most scalable and secure operating environment available for today's most powerful desktop computers and servers.
SunSoft Inc.
SunSoft, Inc. is the leading provider of information and communications infrastructure software. SunSoft's products - designed for information technology professionals, systems integrators, value added resellers and computer manufacturers - are used to deliver network, Internet, and desktop computing solutions that improve a company's internal and customer communications, and lets them quickly adapt to business change. SunSoft products are distributed through computer manufacturers and resellers worldwide. SunSoft is a subsidiary of Sun Microsystems, Inc. For more information, contact SunSoft on the Internet at Sun Microsystems, Inc. Sun, the Sun logo, Sun Microsystems, SunSoft, the SunSoft logo, Solaris NEO, WorkshopNEO, Solstice, Java, Hot Java and Solaris are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. Pentium and Pentium Pro are trademarks of Intel Corporation. All other products or service names mentioned herein are trademarks of their respective owners.
SunSoft Unveils The Most Comprehensive And Scalable Network Operating Environment For Next Generation Processors
Solaris 2.5 Designed For Business' Most Critical Network, Internet, Desktop Applications
MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. - October 31, 1995 - SunSoft, Inc., the leading information and communications infrastructure software company, today unveiled Solaristm 2.5 for information technology professionals who deliver network computing solutions that give businesses a competitive advantage through improved communications, and the ability to quickly adapt to business change. SunSoft's new release is the most scalable and secure operating system for network servers, Internet servers and high performance desktop systems.
Solaris is an enterprise-wide operating environment with a suite of infrastructure software for developing, deploying and managing advanced information and communications applications including data warehousing and customer management systems such as overnight mail package tracking systems or stock trading on Wall Street.
"Businesses worldwide know that their success is tightly coupled to improving the quality of information and driving and adapting to change," said SunSoft president Janpieter Scheerder. "Only Solaris provides the infrastructure software to achieve those business objectives. It is the only open network operating environment with integrated Internet and networking services and advanced development and management tools and the only one that can work across multiple processor and software environments, serving thousands of users per node as well as tens of thousands of users across the network. No other software company can make that claim."
Scheerder said SunSoft will introduce the new SPARCTM edition of Solaris next week at Sun Microsystems Computer Corporation's UltraComputingTM event and will announce the new Intel® edition of Solaris tomorrow at Intel Corporation's Pentium ProTM introduction.
Solaris 2.5: Scalable and Secure
Designed to run and manage a company's mission-critical technical and business applications such as software development, financial modeling, transaction processing, multidimensional databases and 3-D image processing and rendering programs, Solaris features new performance enhancements that include:"Solaris represents the only real competitor to NT. Its database support, advanced development tools and its scalability -- the ability to make efficient use of additional processors in a single system -- makes Solaris the operating system of choice for mission-critical database applications," said Joseph Vassallo, vice president of Oracle Corporation's Open Systems Division. "Solaris can scale from one to 64 processors. If you can do 64, you can do four in your sleep."
Solaris 2.5 is SunSoft's most tested software release ever. SunSoft's focus on quality has produced the most scalable, secure and reliable operating environment available for today's most powerful desktop computers and servers.
Develop, Deploy, Run and Manage
Solaris is available with a comprehensive suite of infrastructure software for developing, deploying, running and managing a company's advanced information and communications applications. The suite of infrastructure software includes: SolsticeTM - systems and network management software, including security products, that allow administrators to manage the network from anywhere. SunSoft WorkShopTM - an award-winning set of visual tools for rapidly developing mission-critical applications. Solaris NEOTM - the first products for building applications based on networked objects that can be shared by applications anywhere on the network. JavaTM - the first network-enabled programming language for quickly prototyping and building platform independent applications that must run securely over enterprise networks and the Internet.For more information call 1-800-SUNSOFT (1-800-786-7683), option 1, or 512-345-2412; or visit our World Wide Web site at
SunSoft Inc.
SunSoft, Inc. is the leading provider of information and communications infrastructure software. SunSoft's products - designed for information technology professionals, systems integrators, value added resellers and computer manufacturers - are used to deliver network, Internet, and desktop computing solutions that improve a company's internal and customer communications, and lets them quickly adapt to business change. SunSoft products are distributed through computer manufacturers and resellers worldwide. SunSoft is a subsidiary of Sun Microsystems, Inc. For more information, contact SunSoft on the Internet at Sun Microsystems, Inc. Sun, the Sun logo, Sun Microsystems, SunSoft, the SunSoft logo, Solaris NEO, WorkshopNEO, Solstice, Java, Hot Java and Solaris are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation, Redwood City, California. Pentium and Pentium Pro are trademarks of Intel Corporation. All other products or service names mentioned herein are trademarks of their respective owners.