From: "George D. Greenwade" <>
Newsgroups: comp.text.tex
Subject: LaTeX3 public documents available
Message-ID: <>
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1993 18:21:52 CST
Organization: Info-Tex<==>Comp.Text.Tex Gateway
X-Gateway-Source-Info: Mailing List
Lines: 305

***Documents related to the LaTeX3 project***

This collection of documents will contain papers from the core project
team and from other volunteers.  Some will be progress reports, others
will be outlines of work which needs to be done and, as the project
develops, there will be definitive papers describing aspects of the
new system.

All these documents are being made public to encourage you to find out
more about the project and to foster constructive comments and further
ideas. One of the files, LTX3PUB.BIB, contains a BibTeX-style list of
all the public LaTeX3 documents in the collection.  Each file also has
a header containing bibliographic information.

In addition to these documents, the collection will also contain style
files: some of these are needed only for particular documents as they
enable the author to describe a particular subject; but some will be
main styles and style options for whole classes of documents in the
collection.  At present there is just one of these: L3MS001.STY (MS =
main style).  This is the main style of all the documents currently in
the collection.  It is an adaptation of the standard ARTICLE.STY; it
produces a cover sheet and running heads/foots using information
extracted from the file header.

At present, in addition to l3ms001.sty, the following files are available:
    filename         = "l3d001.tex",
    archived         = "*[FILESERV.LTX3PUB]",
    author           = "Frank Mittelbach and Chris Rowley",
    doc-group        = "Project core team",
    title            = "The {\LaTeX3} Project",
    version          = "1.02",
    date             = "02 April 1993",
    time             = "22:47:45 GMT",
    status           = "public, official",
    abstract         = "This is a brief sketch of the \LaTeX3
                        Project: background, history, principles,
                        aims and functionality.

                        The new version of \LaTeX{} is, like the
                        current version, a freely available system
                        for automated processing of structured
                        documents, formatting them to the highest
                        typographic standards by use of the \TeX{}
                        typesetting software.

                        Although its uses include a very large
                        range of published documents, the
                        importance of its unsurpassed ability to
                        format mathematical formulas will not be
                        forgotten in producing the new version.

                        It is being produced by an international
                        group of volunteers under the technical
                        direction of Frank Mittelbach.",
    note             = "submitted to the Euromath bulletin",
    filename         = "l3d003.tex",
    archived         = "*[FILESERV.LTX3PUB]",
    author           = "Frank Mittelbach and Chris Rowley",
    doc-group        = "Project core team",
    title            = "{\LaTeX3} Projektwoche in Mainz",
    version          = "1.02",
    date             = "02 April 1993",
    time             = "22:47:23 GMT",
    status           = "public, official",
    filename        = "l3d004.txt",
    archived        = "*[FILESERV.LTX3PUB]",
    author          = "Frank Mittelbach and Chris Rowley",
    doc-group       = "Project core team",
    title           = "The {\LaTeX3} Project; Report 1991--92",
    version         = "1.00",
    date            = "01 April 1993",
    time            = "13:37:20 GMT",
    status          = "public, official",
    abstract        = "This report describes the current
                       activities of the \LaTeX3 project.
                       After a short project overview, the
                       major events of 1991 and 1992 are
                       described. Finally the project plan for
                       1993 is presented.
    project-address = "LaTeX3 Project            \\
                       c/o Dr. Chris Rowley      \\
                       The Open University       \\
                       Parsifal College          \\
                       Finchley Road             \\
                       London NW3 7BG, England, UK",
    project-tel     = "+44 71 794 0575",
    project-FAX     = "+44 71 433 6196",
    project-email   = "",
    copyright       = "Copyright (C) 1993 LaTeX3 Project
                       and Frank Mittelbach and Chris Rowley.
                       All rights reserved.

                       Permission is granted to make and distribute
                       verbatim copies of this publication or of
                       coherent parts from this publication provided
                       this copyright notice and this permission
                       notice are preserved on all copies.

                       Permission is granted to copy and distribute
                       translations of this publication or of
                       individual items from this publication into
                       another language provided that the translation
                       is approved by the original copyright holders.

                       No other permissions to copy or distribute this
                       publication in any form are granted and in
                       particular no permission to copy parts of it
                       in such a way as to materially change its
    generalinfo     = "To subscribe to the LaTeX3 discussion list:

                       Send mail to


                       with the following line as the body of the
                       message (substituting your own name):

                         subscribe LaTeX-L First-name Surname

                       to find out about volunteer work,
                       look at the document in the file
                       VOL-TASK.TEX, which can be obtained
    filename         = "vt02d01.tex",
    archived         = "*[FILESERV.LTX3PUB]",
    author           = "Daniel Flipo",
    doc-group        = "Volunteer Task VT02",
    title            = "Validation of {\LaTeX}~2.09
                        as part of the {\LaTeX3} project",
    version          = "1.02",
    date             = "25 March 1993",
    time             = "17:21:04 MET",
    status           = "public, contributed",
    author-email     = "",
    author-address   = "Daniel Flipo, UFR de Math\'ematiques B\^at M2,
                        Universit\'e des Sciences et Technologies
                        F-59655 Villeneuve d'Ascq Cedex",
    abstract         = "This is both a call for volunteers to help
                        us in validating \LaTeX~2.09 (one of the
                        tasks of the \LaTeX3 project), and a brief
                        explanation of the kind of work to be done
                        in this area.  ",
    keywords         = "Validation, LaTeX",
    filename         = "vt05d01.tex",
    archived         = "*[FILESERV.LTX3PUB]",
    author           = "Ed Sznyter",
    doc-group        = "Volunteer task VT05",
    title            = "Research on Syntax for Tables",
    version          = "1.02",
    date             = "02 April 1993",
    time             = "22:48:49 GMT",
    status           = "public, contributed",
    author-email     = "",
    abstract         = "This is a preliminary overview of the direction
                        for further research on tables.  Much research
                        remains to be done; in particular, the
                        bibliography needs to be expanded, especially
                        to include input from graphic designers and
                        SGML users.

                        Commonly requested features are listed, but
                        more are needed.  Because of limitations in
                        \TeX\ and the small systems it must run on,
                        many capabilities necessary for high-quality
                        typesetting are unmanageable or must be
                        relegated to optional substyles.  Nonetheless,
                        this list should include even functions we can
                        not implement, if only to document the reasons.",
    keywords         = "Tables.Syntax",
    filename         = "vt11d01.tex",
    archived         = "*[FILESERV.LTX3PUB]",
    author           = "Mike Piff",
    doc-group        = "Volunteer task VT11",
    title            = "Backus-Naur form in {\LaTeX3}",
    version          = "1.03",
    date             = "02 April 1993",
    time             = "22:49:47 GMT",
    status           = "public, contributed.",
    author-email     = "",
    author-address   = "Department of Pure Mathematics \\
                        University of Sheffield        \\
                        Hicks Building                 \\
                        Hounsfield Road                \\
                        SHEFFIELD S3 7RH               \\
    filename         = "vt16d01.tex",
    archived         = "*[FILESERV.LTX3PUB]",
    author           = "Rolf Lindgren",
    doc-group        = "Volunteer task VT16",
    title            = "Preliminary report on {\LaTeX} style
                        options to be converted to {\LaTeX3}",
    version          = "1.02",
    date             = "02 April 1993",
    time             = "22:53:48 GMT",
    status           = "Public, contributed.",
    author-email     = "",
    filename        = "bnf.sty",
    version         = "1.05",
    date            = "09 Feb 1993",
    time            = "15:16:48 BST",
    author          = "Mike Piff",
    address         = "Dr M. J. Piff
                       University of Sheffield
                       Department of Pure Mathematics
                       Hicks Building
                       Hounsfield Road
                       SHEFFIELD S3 7RH
    codetable       = "ISO/ASCII",
    telephone       = "+44 742 824431",
    email           = " (Janet)",
    keywords        = "Backus,Naur,syntax,grammar",
    supported       = "yes",
    docstring       = "A style option to LaTeX for producing
                       Backus-Naur Form syntax notation.",
     filename        = "vol-task.tex",
     version         = "6.2a",
     date            = "30 April 1993",
     time            = "13:42:19.55 CDT",
     list-manager    = "George D. Greenwade",
     address         = "Department of Economics and Business Analysis
                        College of Business Administration
                        P. O. Box 2118
                        Sam Houston State University
                        Huntsville, Texas, USA 77341-2118",
     email           = " (Internet)
                        BED_GDG@SHSU     (BITNET)
                        SHSU::BED_GDG    (THENET)",
     telephone       = "(409) 294-1266",
     FAX             = "(409) 294-3712",
     supported       = "yes",
     archived        = "*[FILESERV.VOL-TASK],
     keywords        = "LaTeX3, LaTeX, volunteer task list",
     codetable       = "ISO/ASCII",
     docstring       = "This is general volunteer task list in the
                        development of LaTeX3.  There are many tasks
                        needing to be done in support of the LaTeX3
                        project which can be worked on concurrently with
                        the development of the LaTeX3 kernel.
                        Furthermore, some tasks require special expertise
                        not found among the core programming team.
                        Initial research, analysis, and work on these
                        tasks by volunteers can greatly speed up the
                        process of integrating a number of desirable
                        features into LaTeX3.

                        If you are interested in working on a particular
                        task, the first step is to contact the volunteer
                        list manager, noted above, for details.  He will
                        either immediately designate you as the `task
                        coordinator' for that task, and assist you in
                        getting answers to any initial questions you may
                        have, or if someone else is already serving as the
                        task coordinator for that task, you will be put in
                        touch with that person, who will discuss with you
                        the current status of the work and ways in which
                        you might contribute."
As noted, each of these files is available for anonymous ftp retrieval from ( in the directory [FILESERV.LTX3PUB]. 
Additionally, to retrieve the files via e-mail, include:
 SENDME LTX3PUB.filename_extension
in the body of a mail message to FILES...@SHSU.BITNET ( 
For example, to retrieve the file vt16d01.tex, include:
in your mail to FILESERV.  The command:
will send all files with a one line request.

Finally, these files are available for retrieval or perusal on the Gopher
Server based on (port 70) in either:
 LaTeX3 Working Documents/
 TeX-related Materials/
   LaTeX3 Working Documents/

The file VOL-TASK.TEX also resides in these directories and may be
retrieved in a parallel manner.

As a side and quasi-related note, if you have a Gopher client and are into
TeX and its relatives, you really ought to look at the:
 TeX-related Materials/
on Niord's server.

Regards,   George
George D. Greenwade, Ph.D.                            Bitnet:  BED_GDG@SHSU
Department of Economics and Business Analysis         THEnet: SHSU::BED_GDG
College of Business Administration                    Voice: (409) 294-1266
P. O. Box 2118                                        FAX:   (409) 294-3612
Sam Houston State University              Internet:
Huntsville, TX 77341            

			  SCO's Case Against IBM

November 12, 2003 - Jed Boal from Eyewitness News KSL 5 TV provides an
overview on SCO's case against IBM. Darl McBride, SCO's president and CEO,
talks about the lawsuit's impact and attacks. Jason Holt, student and 
Linux user, talks about the benefits of code availability and the merits 
of the SCO vs IBM lawsuit. See SCO vs IBM.

Note: The materials and information included in these Web pages are not to
be used for any other purpose other than private study, research, review
or criticism.