Formatted Fields TYPE =MARKETING NUMBER =392-208 DATE =19920921 TITLE20 =IBM AIX PS/2 NO-CHAR ANNOUNCEMENT LETTER NUMBER 392-208 DATE OF ANNOUNCEMENT (year-month-day) 19920921 INTEREST AREA CATEGORY CODES CM00, CM40, WS00, WS20 TYPE OF ANNOUNCEMENT Marketing TITLE OF ANNOUNCEMENT IBM AIX PS/2 NO-CHARGE UPGRADE PROMOTION BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF ANNOUNCEMENT, CHARGES, AND AVAILABILITY For a limited time only, customers can upgrade from IBM Advanced Interactive Executive (AIX (R)) Personal System/2 (R) (PS/2 (R)) Operating System Versions 1.1, 1.2 or 1.2.1 to Version 1.3 at no charge. In addition, customers can upgrade from selected related Versions 1.1, 1.2 or 1.2.1 programs to related Version 1.3 programs at no charge. To be eligible for these upgrade license fee waivers, the upgrades must be ordered on or before December 31, 1992. Their Date of Installation, as defined in the IBM Customer Agreement (ICA), must occur on or after September 21, 1992, but no later than March 22, 1993. IBM reserves the right to modify or withdraw this promotion at any time. (R) Registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. OVERVIEW (Highlights, Description) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Eligible program upgrades under this promotion are from Versions 1.1, 1.2 or 1.2.1 to Version 1.3 of the following: Feature Number Upgrade/ Type/ Additional Model Program Name License 5765-160 AIX PS/2 Operating System V1.3 (diskette) (1-16 Users) 1202/1203 5765-160 AIX PS/2 Operating System V1.3 (tape) (1-16 Users) 1207/1208 5765-161 AIX PS/2 Operating System Extensions V1.3 (diskette) 1212/1213 5765-161 AIX PS/2 Operating System Extensions V1.3 (tape) 1217/1218 5765-162 AIX PS/2 Application Development Toolkit V1.3 1222/1223 5765-163 AIX PS/2 Text Formatting System V1.3 1227/1228 5765-165 AIX PS/2 INmail (1)/INed (2)/INet (1)/INftp V1.3 1237/1238 5765-166 AIX PS/2 Network File System V1.3 1242/1243 5765-167 AIX PS/2 Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol V1.3 1247/1248 5765-168 AIX X.25 V1.3 1252/1253 (1) Trademark of INTERACTIVE Systems Corporation. (2) Registered trademark of INTERACTIVE Systems Corporation. The following programs are not available through the upgrade promotion. o AIX PS/2 X-Windows Version 1.3 o AIXwindows (R) Environment Version 1.3 o AIX PS/2 Xstation Manager (TM) Version 1.3 o AIX PS/2 DOS Merge Version 1.3 Upgrades for these programs, however, are available at an upgrade charge. For information, see Programming Announcement 292-528, dated September 21, 1992. Also see that announcement for information on compatibility and on how to order other AIX PS/2 programs. NOTE: AIX PS/2 Operating System Version 1.3 is only offered for 1-16 user licenses. All upgrades from previous versions, including 1-2 user licenses, will be upgraded to 1-16 user licenses at no additional charge. (R) Registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. (TM) Trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.