Path: utzoo!utgpu!attcan!uunet!usenix!peter
From: p...@usenix.UUCP (Peter H. Salus)
Subject: security workshop
Keywords: security, UNIX
Message-ID: <162@usenix.UUCP>
Date: 5 Aug 88 18:04:46 GMT
Organization: Usenix Association Office, Berkeley
Lines: 125
UNIX Security Workshop
Portland, OR
August 29-30, 1988
If you are planning or hoping to attend, phone the Portland Marriott
(503-226-7600) and tell the Reservations Desk you are a USENIX
Attendee to take advantage of the special ($74/night) rate.
Remember! Portland is the home of Powell's the biggest bookstore
west of the Strand in Manhattan.
For registration information, call: 213-592-3243; 213-592-1381
Sunday, August 28, 1988
Registration and Get-Together 7:30 - 10:00
Monday, August 29, 1988
Opening Remarks 9:00 - 9:15
Matt Bishop, Dartmouth
Passwords and Authentication 9:30 - 10:30
UNIX Password Security
Lon Anderson, Enigma Logic
A Framework for Password Selection
Ana Maria de Alvare', LLNL
Authentication of Unknown Entities on an
Insecure Network of Untrusted Workstations
Clifford Neuman, Jennifer Steiner, MIT
Break 10:30 - 11:00
CRACK: A Distributed Password Advisor 11:00 - 12:00
T. M. Raleigh, R. W. Underwood, Bellcore
Panel: Password and Authentication Mechanisms
Lunch 12:00 - 1:30
Access Controls 1:30 - 3:30
UNIX Guardians: Delegating Security to
the User
George Davida, Brian Matt, University
of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Multilevel Security with Fewer Fetters
D. McIlroy, J. Reeds, AT&T Bell Labs
Multilevel Windows on a Single-level Terminal
D. McIlroy, J. Reeds, AT&T Bell Labs
New Ideas in Discretionary Access Control
Mark Carson and Wen-Der Jiang, IBM
On Incorporating Access Control Lists into
the UNIX Operating System
Steve Kramer, SecureWare
Break 3:30 - 4:00
Potpourri I 4:00 - 5:00
Miro: A Visual Language for Specifying
C. A. Heydon, M. W. Maimone, A. F. Moorman,
J. D. Tygar, J. M. Wing, CMU
StrongBox: Support for Self-Securing Programs
B. S. Yee, J. D. Tygar, A. Z. Spector, CMU
Auditing Files on a Network of UNIX Machines
M. Bishop, RIACS/Dartmouth College
Evening Reception 6:00 - 8:00
Tuesday, August 30, 1988
Security and Operations 9:00 - 10:00
An Experimental trusted-Path Prototype
Brian Foster, The Santa Cruz Operation
Access for Operators that Require Root
Privileges (SUID & SGID)
Don Winsor, Hill AFB
Making Your Console Secure
Rick Lindsley, Tektronix
Break 10:00 - 10:30
Potpourri II 10:30 - 11:50
Intruder Isolation and Monitoring
Stephen Hanson, Michael Eldredge,
Stanford University
HACKMAN: A Systematic Study of Real
Computer Security Holes
Peter Shipley, Russell Brand
Software License Management in a Network
Andrew French, Antoinette Hershey,
Edward Wilkens, Prime Computer
An Introduction to TUNIS
M. J. Funkenhauser, R. C. Holt, University
of Toronto
Lunch 11:50 - 1:30
Site Security 1:30 - 2:50
Suggested Levels of Security
Rick Lindsley, Tektronix
Identifying Security Concerns
Rick Lindsley, Seth Alford, Richard
Kurschner, Roger Southwick, Tektronix
Computer Security Measures at Eastman Kodak,
Product Softeare Engineering Department
Ken Lester, Eastman Kodak
Security at Pacific Bell
Jerry Carlin, Pacific Bell
Break 2:50 - 3:20
Panel: Security in the Large 3:20 - 4:00
Closing Remarks 4:00
Peter H. Salus
Executive Director, USENIX