Path: utzoo!mnetor!uunet!husc6!cca!mirror!ima!johnl
From: j...@ima.UUCP
Newsgroups: comp.compilers,comp.lang.c++,comp.lang.c,comp.lang.misc,comp.emacs
Subject: test version of G++, the GNU C++ compiler available.
Message-ID: <829@ima.ISC.COM>
Date: 1 Jan 88 00:28:17 GMT
Sender: j...@ima.ISC.COM
Reply-To: t...@bu-it.BU.EDU (Leonard H. Tower Jr.)
Organization: Project GNU, Free Software Foundation,
         675 Mass. Ave., Cambridge, MA  02138, USA   +1 (617) 876-3296
Lines: 103
Approved: compil...@ima.UUCP
Home: 36 Porter Street, Somerville, MA  02143, USA   +1 (617) 623-7739

A test version of the GNU C++ Compiler is now available on in the file /u/rms/tiemann.dist-*.tar.Z where * is a
version number (e.g. 1.15.3).  There may also be diff files under
/u/rms.  It is only available in compressed format, due to a severe
space shortage on prep.

GNU C++ is not a pre-processor, but is a native-code compiler, using
the back end of GNU CC for its back end.  Currently, GNU C++ is
targeted to the SUN 3 and VAX (the same machines as GNU CC).  A source
code debugger, GDB+, is also provided in the distribution.  GDB+ is
really an extension to GDB, and allows for better control over the
source level debugging of method calls.

To get GNU C++, ftp the compressed tar file from,
uncompress it, untar it, and look at the file README in the dist-g++
directory for further installation instructions.

This code is primarily intended for GNU CC gurus, since it is still
evolving rapidly, and a good understanding of GNU CC is somewhat a
prerequisite for an understanding of GNU C++.

If you are generally interested in keeping up to date on GNU C++,
please subscribe to the one of the mailing lists described below by
sending your request to the appropriate *-request address.

Note that members of bug-g++ automatically receive all info-g++
messages.  Members of these -g++ lists do not automatically receive
the -gcc lists.

The author of the G++ enhancements is Michael Tiemann
.  He receives the bug-g++ mailing list.

enjoy -len

1) Both G++ and GCC (the GNU C Compiler) are in testing.  It is
expected that bugs will be found.  If you don't want to work with a
buggy compiler, wait until they are more fully tested.

2) If you wish to join one of the mailing lists, please ask the
*-REQUEST address for that list.  If you ask a list directly, you
bother several hundred people who can't help you, and waste a lot of
cycles, packets and bandwidth.  *-REQUEST is an Internet convention.
One should always try it first when requesting a mailing list.

3) A test version of GCC is available on a tape from the Free Software
Foundation.  Information on obtaining the tape and anything else about
the GNU Project is available from: (aka

4) G++ may be added to that tape, when it's less buggy.

** List changes and problems to:

This list distributes bug reports, fixes for bugs, and suggestions for
improvements in the GNU C++ Compiler to it's active developers.  It is
the place to report G++ bugs by all testers of G++.  The GNU C++
Compiler is still in test release, and is NOT ready for everyday use.

Always report the version number of g++, as well as the operating
system and hardware.

G++ uses the GNU C-Compiler back end, and active developers may
wish to join as well.

Members of bug-g++ automatically receive all info-g++ messages.

** List changes and problems to:

This list reports new releases, informations about ports and proven
bug fixes to testers of the GNU C++ Compiler.

** List changes and problems to:

This list distributes bug reports, fixes for bugs, and suggestions for
improvements in the GNU C Compiler to its active developers.  It is
the place to report GCC bugs by all testers of GCC.  The GNU C
Compiler still has a lot of bugs in it, and is NOT ready for everyday

Always report the version number of gcc, as well as the operating
system and hardware.

Members of bug-gcc automatically receive all info-gcc messages.

** List changes and problems to:

This list reports new releases and proven bug fixes to testers of the
GNU C Compiler.

[Note to usenet readers: if you're not on the Internet, you can't FTP and
will have to order the tape if interested.  -John]
Send compilers articles to ima!compilers or, in a pinch, to Lev...@YALE.EDU
Plausible paths are { ihnp4 | decvax | cbosgd | harvard | yale | bbn}!ima
Please send responses to the originator of the message -- I cannot forward
mail accidentally sent back to compilers.  Meta-mail to ima!compilers-request

			  SCO's Case Against IBM

November 12, 2003 - Jed Boal from Eyewitness News KSL 5 TV provides an
overview on SCO's case against IBM. Darl McBride, SCO's president and CEO,
talks about the lawsuit's impact and attacks. Jason Holt, student and 
Linux user, talks about the benefits of code availability and the merits 
of the SCO vs IBM lawsuit. See SCO vs IBM.

Note: The materials and information included in these Web pages are not to
be used for any other purpose other than private study, research, review
or criticism.