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Path: utzoo!hcrvax!hcradm!mike
From: m...@hcradm.UUCP (Mike Tilson)
Newsgroups: net.usenix,net.unix
Subject: Usenix Portland tutorials - preliminary announcement (LONG)
Message-ID: <1789@hcradm.UUCP>
Date: Thu, 21-Mar-85 19:39:18 EST
Article-I.D.: hcradm.1789
Posted: Thu Mar 21 19:39:18 1985
Date-Received: Fri, 22-Mar-85 04:26:02 EST
Organization: Human Computing Resources, Toronto
Lines: 353
This is a PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT of the tutorial program at the
June 85 Portland USENIX meeting. This is being provided for your
planning purposes. I don't think it is likely to change, but it
is possible. The final details and registration materials will
be mailed around April 1. To get further information or to be
put on the mailing list, call or write:
Usenix Conference Office
P.O. Box 385
Sunset Beach, CA 90742
----------------------------CUT HERE-------------------------------
UNIX technology from the experts
The Usenix Association is once again offering its well respected
program of one day intensive UNIX tutorial sessions. These
sessions focus on essential areas of UNIX technology, providing
in-depth coverage of a number of areas. These are not "market
overview" discussions -- the tutorial sessions are taught by
leading experts, are aimed at an audience of software
professionals and technical managers, and should be immediately
applicable to UNIX systems development and maintenance. This is
your opportunity to learn from an expert at reasonable cost and
at a convenient time.
Attendance will be limited, and pre-registration is strongly
advised. On-site registration will be allowed, but only if space
Tutorial sessions will be held at the Marriot Hotel and the
Hilton Hotel in Portland, Oregon, on Tuesday, June 11, 1985, from
9:00 to 5:00. You must pick up registration materials and tutorial
handouts at the Marriot conference registration area. We recommend
that you do this by 8:30.
The Summer 1985 Usenix Tutorial Program is as follows:
1. UNIX System V Internals
Instructors: Maury Bach
Steve Buroff
AT&T Bell Laboratories
This tutorial is a comprehensive introduction to the
internal structure of the AT&T standard version of the UNIX
system. This course is intended for people who maintain,
modify, or port UNIX systems. The tutorial will cover UNIX
kernel concepts: I/O system, file system, process and
memory management, protection, etc. There will be coverage
of the latest System V features such as paging. The session
will be directed towards systems programmers. Attendees
should have a good working knowledge of the UNIX system.
Previous exposure to UNIX internals is not necessary, but
attendees should have a good grasp of systems programming.
Maury Bach and Steve Buroff are members of the development
staff at AT&T Bell Laboratories. Maury Bach has worked on
multi-processor UNIX development and Steve Buroff has worked
on paging virtual memory implementation. Bach has also
taught a multi-week UNIX internals course within Bell Labs
in order to train Bell Labs systems programmers. This one
day tutorial draws upon this work, and is available here for
the first time outside AT&T.
IMPORTANT: You must be licensed for UNIX System V source
code in order to attend this tutorial. Please include on
your company or institutional letterhead an indication of
your Usenix institutional membership affiliation which we
will use to verify your source license. Alternatively,
please include documentary evidence of the necessary source
code license.
2. 4.2BSD Internals
Instructors: Dr. Kirk McKusick
Mike Karels
University of California, Berkeley
This tutorial has been a "sell-out" at previous conferences.
Again we are offering a comprehensive look at the internal
structure of the Berkeley 4.2BSD variant of the UNIX system.
The tutorial will include a discussion of the I/O system,
file system, virtual memory, signal, interprocess
communication, and networking implementations. The session
will be directed towards systems programmers. This is an
advanced technical tutorial; attendees must have a good
working knowledge of UNIX and previous exposure to UNIX
internals. There will also be some discussion and updating
on the latest UCB developments and experience, including the
4.3BSD improvements. (Note: Although the tutorial has been
updated, there is insufficient new material to justify
taking it twice. If you have taken this tutorial in the
past, we recommend that you choose another tutorial.)
Kirk McKusick and Mike Karels are both key members of the
Berkeley development team, and are able to speak with
authority on the 4.2BSD implementation. Both have received
excellent evaluations from previous course attendees.
IMPORTANT: You must be licensed for 4.2BSD source code
(along with an appropriate UNIX source code license) in
order to attend this tutorial. Please include on your
company or institutional letterhead an indication of your
Usenix institutional membership affiliation which we will
use to verify your source license. Alternatively, please
include documentary evidence of the necessary source code
3. An Introduction to UNIX
Instructor: Steve Pozgaj
Human Computing Resources Corporation
This course is aimed at first-time Usenix attendees. It is
an introduction to UNIX for programmers and technical
managers. The course covers the structure of UNIX, the
system design philosophy, how to get started, the key
concepts you should know, UNIX software tools, and pointers
on effective use of the system. There will be time for
questions and answers throughout. This is your chance to
get off to a running start, and it could help you put the
rest of the conference into perspective. If you are getting
started with UNIX, you should take this course.
Steve Pozgaj has years of experience with UNIX systems,
having attended the first Usenix meeting ten years ago. He
teaches tutorials and seminars frequently. He brings to
this tutorial a degree of UNIX technical expertise which is
rarely found in an "introductory" course.
4. Software Contracts and Intellectual Property
Instructors: Susan Nycum
James Marcellino
Gaston Snow & Ely Bartlett
Software is intangible and reproducible at will, and yet it
has high value. Users and vendors of commercial software
need to understand their rights and obligations with respect
to software contracts and license agreements. Many
technical people do not understand the legal basis for
protecting intellectual property such as computer programs.
This day long seminar covers the legal aspects of software
contracts and license agreements, proprietary rights, the
various ways software can be protected and how to make the
choice. International aspects will also be covered. The
material learned will be applied to the AT&T UNIX license
agreement as a case study. There will be time for questions
and answers throughout. No legal knowledge is assumed; this
course is an excellent opportunity for technical people and
managers to broaden their horizons in this important area.
Both Susan Nycum and James Marcellino are practicing lawyers
and recognized international experts in this area. They
have taught this course for Usenix before, and it was very
well received. Susan Nycum also presented a talk at the
Winter '85 Usenix meeting. Most importantly, they both
speak English rather than legalese.
5. UNIX Networking
Instructor: Bruce Borden
Silicon Graphics, Inc.
This tutorial is another previous sell-out. Increasingly,
UNIX systems are being networked, and it is important to
understand how UNIX and networking go together. This
tutorial is intended for UNIX users, system administrators,
and technical managers who desire to understand what
networks are, and who want an overview of the available
networking implementations. The session will cover the
definitions of network, networking, protocol, layers, etc.,
a brief history of networking, UNIX networks such as Uucp,
Purdue, ARPANET NCP and IP/TCP, Newcastle Connection, and
many others. Network directions and trends will also be
examined. Note: The course is not intended to provide
detailed implementation details of any one network or
protocol. Rather, it focuses on the fundamentals of
networking, with specific application to UNIX.
Bruce Borden has offered this course previously with great
success. He draws upon his decade of experience with UNIX
systems and UNIX networking. At Silicon Graphics he has
been closely involved with the development of an advanced
UNIX workstation using the most modern networking
6. Advanced C Programming
Instructor: Dr. Walter Brown
Moravian College
This tutorial is aimed at the professional C programmer.
The C language has a number of features which, if used
properly, can result in efficient and reliable code.
However, even experienced programmers have difficulty with C
when first encountering features such as pointers, pointer
arithmetic, C data structuring, and the C type definition
and type conversion rules. This tutorial is aimed at
programmers who are already using C to implement production
software, but who do not feel they are able to fully use the
more advanced features of the language. The tutorial will
illustrate proper usage of advanced C features. Attendees
should have at least 3-6 months of experience in C
Walter Brown teaches computer science at Moravian College.
He has extensive practical experience with teaching C
programming. Moravian College has been a leader in the use
of UNIX systems for educational purposes. He has offered an
earlier version of this course previously for Usenix.
7. Writing Portable C Programs
Instructor: Dr. Tom Plum
Plum Hall Inc.
Today, the C programming language is widely used to
implement portable applications programs. But there are
many pitfalls for the unwary, some obvious but some very
subtle. If you are not aware of the issues, it is easy to
write programs that will not operate correctly on another
hardware architecture, or another UNIX version, or another
version of the C compiler. It then becomes expensive to
move the application to a new machine. This course will
teach you to recognize the trouble spots and avoid these
pitfalls. You will learn to write truly machine- and
system-independent code, and to protect yourself when this
is not possible. This course is intended for experienced C
application developers. If you are involved in the
development of software which is to be used or distributed
on a variety of systems, you should take this course.
Tom Plum is chairman of Plum Hall Inc., a publishing and
training firm specializing in the C language. He is the
author of two textbooks on C. Dr. Plum is also vice-chair
of the ANSI X3J11 C language standards committee.
8. UUCP, Mail, and News
Instructor: Mark Stein
Fortune Systems
UUCP provides a powerful means of communication between UNIX
systems over ordinary serial lines, without special
networking software. UNIX electronic mail facilities can
make use of UUCP to provide transcontinental mail service.
The news system allows UNIX users to share information
widely. However this software is large, complex, and often
a source of mystery and deep frustration. This tutorial is
intended to remove the mystery from UUCP, Mail, and News.
The primary focus is on the installation and maintenance of
UUCP: how it works, and how to keep it up and communicating
securely. Various mailer software and news software will
also be discussed. This tutorial is aimed at systems
programmers and system administrators. The course covers a
variety of systems and configurations, and will be of value
to those running small binary systems as well as those
having System V or 4.2BSD large scale systems.
Mark Stein is a member of the technical staff at Fortune
Systems. He is responsible for the maintenance of Fortune's
internal UUCP software, and he has served as a key
consultant on the development of UUCP systems for binary end
users. He has previously lectured on UUCP internals and has
offered this course for Usenix.
9. Program Debugging under UNIX
Instructor: Perry Kivolowitz
The UNIX system is widely used for software development.
Although we all would like to produce perfect programs the
first time, in real life programs have bugs. The UNIX
system comes with a variety of tools to track down program
bugs. This tutorial will cover the process of debugging C
applications code under UNIX -- what can go wrong,
understanding the symptoms, localizing the problem. This
tutorial will place special emphasis on using the UNIX "SDB"
symbolic debugger, a powerful debugging facility with a
variety of options. SDB is a standard part of the UNIX
System V, and is provided on many other versions of UNIX.
(Note: Before taking the course, you should check your own
system. If it does not have SDB, the course may still be
useful to you for the general principles involved, but the
specific command details of the debugger will not apply.
SDB is not a standard part of 4.2BSD, although it is used on
many BSD systems.)
Perry Kivolowitz has extensive UNIX systems programming and
consulting experience including UNIX internals. He has been
a UNIX software product manager for a microcomputer
manufacturer. As a member of the staff of Auxco, he has
been responsible for developing courses on UNIX programming
for a variety of clients, including AT&T.
10. UNIX Systems Administration
Instructors: Ed Gould
Vance Vaughan
Mt. Xinu
The UNIX system is a powerful and complex system. It often
supports dozens of users on a single machine. Even single-
user workstations or PC systems tend to be fairly
sophisticated. It is important that the system be properly
maintained and administered. This tutorial is designed to
provide coverage of the necessities of system maintenance
and administration: how to keep the system up, running, and
secure. Topics covered range from the installation of new
users, through file system maintenance and backup, to
troubleshooting. Course attendees should be knowledgeable
UNIX users who are or will be faced with system
administration. Coverage will be aimed equally at 4.2BSD
and System V users with a focus on basic principles as well
as specific examples. The course should also be readily
applicable to other variants of UNIX, although some specific
examples may not apply exactly on any given system.
Ed Gould and Vance Vaughan both have extensive experience
with UNIX systems programming and administration, first at
the University of California at Berkeley and now as a
principal technical experts at Mt. Xinu, a vendor of Vax
UNIX systems software. They have taught this course
previously to a number of clients and for Usenix.
/Mike Tilson, Human Computing Resource Corp.
/Usenix Tutorial Coordinator {utzoo,decvax}!hcr!hcradm!mike
/ PLEASE do not call or send mail asking for registration
/ information etc. -- call the conference office. Thank you.