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From: rrg@hcr.UUCP (Ron Gomes)
Newsgroups: net.usenix
Subject: Toronto USENIX Conference Schedule (tentative)
Message-ID: <432@hcr.UUCP>
Date: Thu, 9-Jun-83 11:59:01 EDT
Article-I.D.: hcr.432
Posted: Thu Jun  9 11:59:01 1983
Date-Received: Thu, 9-Jun-83 12:10:27 EDT
Organization: Human Computing Resources, Toronto
Lines: 308

			Wednesday, July 13

Schedule/	Author(s)	Title	

 8:45-11:45	SESSION A/B - Opening Session   Chair: Michael Tilson

 8:45- 9:30			Opening Remarks, Usenix

 9:30-10:15 /45	Lesk		Keynote address:  Technology
				Driven Software vs. Psychology
				of Users:  An Irresistible
				Force Meets an Immovable Object

10:15-10:45		BREAK

10:45-11:45 /60	AT&T		UNIX Licensing and New
				Product Offerings

11:45- 1:30		LUNCH

 1:30- 3:00	SESSION A - Programming Tools 1    Chair: Joseph Yao

 1:30- 1:55 /25	Baecker, 	On Enhancing the Presentation
		Breslin &	of C Source Code

 1:55- 2:15 /20	Nakamura &	On-Line Manual System for
		Murai		Software Development on UNIX

 2:15- 2:35 /20	Kendall		Bcc: Runtime Checking for C

 2:35- 2:55 /20	Farley, 	CDB - a C Source Language
		Kunkel & 	Debugger

 1:30- 3:00	SESSION B - UNIX Implementation 1    Chair: Michael Blake-Knox

 1:30- 1:55 /25	Holt, Mendell	Tunis: A Portable, Unix
		& Perelgut	Compatible Kernel Written
				in Concurrent Euclid

 1:55- 2:20 /25	Gien		The SOL Operating System

 2:20- 2:40 /20	Barrett		An Implementation of UNIX for
				the Intel iAPX 286

 2:40- 3:00 /20	Whistler	UNIX a la Data General

 3:00- 3:30		BREAK

 3:30- 5:00	SESSION A - Programming Tools 2    Chair: Ian Darwin

 3:30- 3:55 /25	Bryan		VCHK -- A program for Updating
				and Maintaining Software

 3:55- 4:15 /20	Hirgelt		Enhancing MAKE or Re-inventing
				a Rounder Wheel

 4:15- 4:35 /20	McGowan, 	Mm4 -- Make with M4 Tools
		Anderson &	for Maintaining Makefiles

 4:35- 5:00 /25	Novak		Using Make Effectively

 3:30- 5:00	SESSION B - UNIX Implementation 2    Chair:  Phyllis Eve Bregman

 3:30- 3:55 /25	Patriquin	File System Considerations in
				a Multiple Process UNIX

 3:55- 4:15 /20	Wilens		A High Performance Implementa-
				tion of UNIX for the IBM

 4:15- 4:35 /20 Dunietz & 	The Use of the Z80 I/O Processor
		Powell		by the TRS-XENIX Operating

 4:35- 4:55 /20	Neff		Virtual memory Management in

			Thursday, July 14

Schedule/	Author(s)	Title

 8:45-10:00	SESSION A - User Interface 1   Chair:  Barbara Arlow

 8:45- 9:10 /25	Perlman		The Interface Arsenal

 9:10- 9:40 /30	Buxton, Lamb,	A User Interface Management
		Sherman, Smith	System

 9:40-10:00 /20	Tuori		Talking to UNIX -- Some
				Experience with Speech Input

 8:45-10:00	SESSION B - UNIX Implementation 3    Chair: David Martindale

 8:45- 9:00 /15	Lucas & 	A General-Purpose Object-File
		Lycklama	Format

 9:00- 9:15 /15	Hoover		A User Information Data Base
				for UNIX (What to do when
				/etc/passwd just isn't enough)

 9:15- 9:35 /20	Cole		Attaching an Array Processor
				in the UNIX Environment

 9:35-10:00 /25	Daniel		Z -- A High Performance Raster
				Graphics Package for UNIX
				Operating Systems

10:00-10:30		BREAK

10:30-11:45	SESSION A - User Interface 2   Chair:  Robert Pike

10:30-10:50 /20	Steffen & Veach	The Edit Shell - Combining
				Screen Editing with the History

10:50-11:15 /25	Korn		KSH - A Shell Programming

11:15-11:40 /25	Mankins & 	A Simple Window Management
		Franklin	Facility for the UNIX Time-
				sharing System

10:30-11:45	SESSION B - Compilers and Languages 1   Chair: Jean Wood

10:30-10:50 /20	Ryan, Spiller	A New Portable Compiler for
		& Weil		Xenix

10:50-11:20 /30	Cox		Objective C Compiler:
				Programming Smalltalk-80
				Methods in C 			

11:20-11:40 /20	Zelitzky &	Compilers on the NS16000

11:45- 1:30		LUNCH

 1:30- 3:00	SESSION A - UNIX Implementation 4   Chair:  A.R. White

 1:30- 1:55 /25	Ross & Taylor	Unix Support for Guaranteed
				Real-Time Processing

 1:55- 2:20 /25	Teixeira	High Speed Laboratory Data
				Acquisition on the MC-500

 2:20- 2:40 /20	Kridle		Performance Effects of Disk
				Subsystem Choices for VAX
				Systems Running 4.2BSD UNIX

 2:40- 3:00 /20	Lutz & Shon	Running the UNIX Kernel in User

 1:30- 3:00	SESSION B - Compilers and Languages 2   Chair: Jean Wood

 1:30- 1:55 /25	Isaacson	QL: A General Purpose Program-
         			ming Language with an Embedded
				Data Base Interface

 1:55- 2:25 /30	Cordy & Holt	Turing: A New General Purpose
         			Language Under Unix

 2:25- 2:55 /30	Tanenbaum,	A Unix Tool Kit for Making
         	Staveren &	Portable Compilers

 3:00- 3:30		BREAK

 3:30- 5:15	SESSION A - UNIX Directions   Chair: Michael Tilson

 3:30- 4:00 /30	Pike		UNIX Style, or "cat -v"
				Considered Harmful

 4:00- 4:15 /15	Balter		Everything You Wanted to Know
				About System V, and Then Some

 4:15- 4:30 /15	Chambers,	A Practical Comparision of
		Quarterman	4.2BSD and System V

 4:30- 4:55 /25	O'Dell		Berkeley UNIX after 4.2BSD -
				Where is it Going and Why Do
				We Want to Get There?

 4:55- 5:15 /20	PANEL		Panel Discussion:  Where is UNIX
				Going, and Should It Go There?

 3:30- 5:00	SESSION B - Not allocated.
			    (This time is open to allow daytime
			    scheduling of birds-of-a-feather

			Friday, July 15

Schedule/	Author(s)	Title

 8:45-10:00	SESSION A - Networking   Chair: Michael O'Dell

 8:45- 9:10 /25	Gafke & Bergan	Local Network with Virtual

 9:10- 9:35 /25	Wambecq		NETIX: A UNIX-based network-
				using operating system

 9:35-10:00 /25	Foster		EtherTIP - A Virtual Terminal
				Interface to Ethernet

 8:45-10:00	SESSION B - Applications    Chair:  Barbara Arlow

 8:45- 9:05 /20	Haenlin		A Data Base Frontend, Driven
				by Tables Generated from a Data

 9:05- 9:30 /25	Wolfe,		A Powerful Accounting Package
		Hustler		for UNIX-Based Systems

 9:30-10:00 /30	Smith		Writer's Workbench Software
				at Colorado State University

10:00-10:30		BREAK

10:30-11:45	SESSION A - UNIX Mail   Chair: Michael O'Dell

10:30-10:50 /20	McKie		Where is Europe?

10:50-11:20 /30	O'Dell		Unix and Electronic Mail:
				Trials, Tribulations, and

11:20-11:45 /25	PANEL		Panel Discussion:  Whither
				network mail and news?

10:30-11:45	SESSION B - Standards, Validation, and Portability
		   Chair: Michael Tilson

10:30-10:55 /25	Fostel & Naylor	Developing a UNIX Validation

10:55-11:15 /20	Franke & 	Early Experiences with UNIX on
		Truscott	the Gould Sel Concept Computer

11:15-11:30 /15	Scheulen	Unix Version 7 compatability
				under Systems 3/5

11:30-11:45 /15	Lycklama	Status Report from the
				/usr/group Standards Committee

11:45- 1:30		LUNCH

 1:30- 3:00	SESSION A - Open session:  Applications    Chair:  Ian Darwin

 1:30- 3:00	SESSION B - Open session:  Systems   Chair:  Henry Spencer

		These talks will be scheduled first-come, first-serve.
		Speakers may sign up to give talks starting Wed. morning.
		10 minutes/speaker, any topic allowed.  Titles and author
		addresses only will be printed in the conference proceedings.
		Scheduling closes Wed. night to allow printing of a
		schedule.  Sessions may extend to 5:00 if there is sufficient

			  SCO's Case Against IBM

November 12, 2003 - Jed Boal from Eyewitness News KSL 5 TV provides an
overview on SCO's case against IBM. Darl McBride, SCO's president and CEO,
talks about the lawsuit's impact and attacks. Jason Holt, student and 
Linux user, talks about the benefits of code availability and the merits 
of the SCO vs IBM lawsuit. See SCO vs IBM.

Note: The materials and information included in these Web pages are not to
be used for any other purpose other than private study, research, review
or criticism.