FAQ: Solaris[tm] 8 Foundation Source Program
1. What are the basic elements of the Solaris 8 Foudation Source program? Under this program, Sun is making the Solaris 8 Foundation Source code available to everyone who registers and accepts the terms of the License Agreement and the Solaris 8 Foundation Source Program. There are no fees for the right to use the software; you pay only $75 (U.S.) plus shipping for the media kit, which contains the software.
2. What can I do with the Solaris 8 Foundation Source? You may load the source code on any system, provided the files are not accessible by others. You can use the Solaris 8 Foundation Source at home or at work, for business or personal computing. Please review the terms of the program and those set out in the Solaris 8 Foundation Source Code License Agreement included with the software. Some suggested uses are:
To view the terms of the Solaris 8 Foundation Source License Agreement please go to: www.sun.com/solaris/source/license_agreement.html No in both cases. Under the terms of the program, all licensees must receive the software directly from Sun, and must register the number and type of systems on which the Solaris 8 software is installed. Although you can use the Solaris 8 software anywhere inside your organization, you cannot make copies to give to anyone else. This also applies to any Solaris binaries built from the source code under this program. 4. What is in the Solaris 8 Foundation Source media kit? The Solaris 8 Foundation Source media kit consists of three software packages and documentation. The packages are:
Online documentation is available in ten languages: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Swedish, Japanese, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, and Korean. For a complete listing of all contents go to www.sun.com/solaris/source/package.html The Solaris 8 Foundation Source media kit includes full documentation, which describes the contents of the source code, the rebuild environment, and so on. It is available only in English. The Solaris 8 FCS Operating Environment includes online documentation for installing and using it. It is available in ten languages: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Swedish, Japanese, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, and Korean. The Solaris 8 FCS Operating Environment documentation is also available at docs.sun.com. Hardcopy documentation is sold separately. It can be purchased at www1.fatbrain.com/documentation/sun/. 6. What languages are available in the Solaris 8 Foundation Source? The Solaris 8 multilingual support includes these languages: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Swedish, Japanese, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, and Korean. 7. What is the Solaris 8 Foundation Source Discussion Forum? This is a password-protected community forum hosted by Sun. Participation is restricted to Solaris Foundation Source licensees. Per your acceptance of the Solaris 8 Foundation Source license agreement, this is the place where members can discuss technical issues, get support from the community, and exchange ideas and knowledge. Questions and answers are encouraged through this Web site only. Initial access to the forum is granted by registering your serial number, which can be found on the download receipt page or on the license certificate in the meida kit. After you register, you will be able to log in with your Discussion Forum username and password whenever you choose. You may not share this information or allow others to log in using your username and password. 8. How do I participate in the Solaris 8 Foundation Source download program? You must follow these steps for registration and Solaris 8 Foundation Source license agreement acceptance to gain access to the download site:
9. How do I print the Solaris 8 Foundation Source license agreement? The license agreement can be found at www.sun.com/software/solaris/source/license_agreement.html. It is an 11-page document. Please print, complete, and fax the license agreement to Sun at 1-781-241-1101. If you have any problems downloading or printing this license agreement, please e-mail Foundation_Program_Support@sun.com (please include your personal ID in the e-mail), or call between the hours of 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. U.S. Mountain Time:
If you have any problems faxing back your completed Solaris 8 Foundation Source license agreement please e-mail: Foundation_Program_Support@sun.com (please include your personal ID in the e-mail), or call between the hours of 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. U.S. Mountain Time:
If you have faxed back your completed Solaris 8 Foundation Source license agreement but have not received your software download instructions and serial number please e-mail: Foundation_Program_Support@sun.com (please include your personal ID in the e-mail), or call between the hours of 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. U.S. Mountain Time:
12. I am having trouble downloading the Solaris 8 Foundation Source. Who can help me? Visit the Sun Download Center FAQ for answers to your download and registration questions If you downloaded the software, the serial number is still on your download receipt page. Follow these steps to get the number:
If you ordered a media kit, the serial number appears on the license certificate included in the media kit. If you've lost this certificate, please send an e-mail to Foundation_Source_Team@sun.com. 14. I am having trouble placing an order for a media kit. Who can help me? You can directly contact the order help desk at: csr-customer-service@sun.com. You should receive a response directly from the help desk within one business day of submission of your question. If you have additional questions or problems regarding your order, you can also contact: Order_status@sun.com. 15. I placed an order for the media kit but it has not arrived yet. Who do I contact? You can directly contact the order help desk at: Order_status@sun.com. If you have additional questions or problems regarding your order, you can also contact: csr-customer-service@sun.com. 16. I would like to purchase my media kit in local currency. How can I do that? We only offer the source code media kit priced in US currency. For additional information on Solaris 8 on Intel-architecture, please visit: http://forum.sun.com. There are also several independent sites where information can be found, these url's include: http://sun.drydog.com/faq/ and http://www.egroups.com/group/solarisonintel. There are many potential sources for additional information:
There are also newsgroups at 19. How can I get support for the Solaris 8 Foundation Source? The Solaris 8 Foundation Source program includes a community Web site called the Solaris 8 Foundation Source Discussion Forum. This forum can be accessed by going to: http://www.sun.com/solaris/source/ and clicking on the "Enter Discussion Forum" link in the "Of Interest" section. The forum members are all Solaris 8 Foundation Source licensees. Initial access to this forum requires registration with a special serial number. This number is provided on the download receipt page and in the media kit. If you've lost your serial number follow the instructions listed on this page. The forum is a place where members can exchange ideas and knowledge in a secure environment. Questions and answers are encouraged through this website only. For professional developers and companies that require more formal support, Sun offers support contracts for source code through Solaris Developer Connection. There are costs associated with source code support programs which make them difficult to offer widely. 20. How can I get patches for the Solaris 8 Foundation Source? Patches and upgrades for this product are not available. 21. How can I get updates and upgrades to the Solaris 8 Foundation Source? Updates and upgrades for this product are not available. 22. Where can I find more information about shipping methods and policies? Visit this Sun Download Center for answers to your shipping method and policy questions.