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From: j...@mcc-db.UUCP (John B. Chambers)
Newsgroups: mod.std.unix
Subject: Re;  bostic's getopt
Message-ID: <249@mcc-db.UUCP>
Date: Sun, 14-Jul-85 19:56:36 EDT
Article-I.D.: mcc-db.249
Posted: Sun Jul 14 19:56:36 1985
Date-Received: Mon, 15-Jul-85 10:08:24 EDT
Reply-To: std-unix-request@ut-sally
Organization: MCC (Austin, TX)
Lines: 145
Approved: j...@mcc-db.UUCP

From: John Chambers (guest moderator) <ut-sally!std-unix>

Topic: getopt and command line arguments continued


Date: Wed, 10 Jul 85 15:14:05 edt
From: harvard!talcott!wjh12!mirror...@ut-sally.ARPA (Rich Salz)
Subject: Re;  bostic's getopt

I have modified Keith Bostic's getopt code to make three changes:
	1.  my own (warped) esthetics.
	2.  add non-stdio code compile-time flag.
	3.  add trivial code to handle the opterr variable.
This last change is the most important; opterr, if set to 0 in
mainline code, suppresses printing all error messages.

i also cleaned up a couple of things.

feel free to re-post this to std-unix, or even {net,mod}.sourceds
if you think it will be worthwhile...

Rich $alz	{mit-eddie, ihnp4!inmet, wjh12, cca, datacube} !mirror!rs
Mirror Systems	2067 Massachusetts Ave.
617-661-0777	Cambridge, MA, 02140

**  This is a public domain version of getopt(3).
**  Bugs, fixes to:
**		Keith Bostic
**			ARPA: keith@seismo
**			UUCP: seismo!keith
**  Added NO_STDIO, opterr handling, Rich $alz (mirror!rs).

#include <stdio.h>

**  Error macro.  Maybe we want stdio, maybe we don't.
**  The (undocumented?) variable opterr tells us whether or not
**  to print errors.

#ifdef	NO_STDIO

#define tell(s)								\
	if (opterr)							\
	{								\
	    char	ebuf[2];					\
	    (void)write(2, nargv, (unsigned int)strlen(nargv));		\
	    (void)write(2, s, (unsigned int)strlen(s));			\
	    ebuf[0] = optopt;						\
	    ebuf[1] = '\n';						\
	    (void)write(2, ebuf, 2);					\


#define tell(s)								\
	if (opterr)							\
	    (void)fputs(*nargv, stderr),				\
	    (void)fputs(s,stderr),					\
	    (void)fputc(optopt, stderr),				\
	    (void)fputc('\n', stderr)


/* Global variables. */
static char	 EMSG[] = "";
int		 opterr = 1;		/* undocumented error-suppressor*/
int		 optind = 1,		/* index into argv vector	*/
int		 optopt;		/* char checked for validity	*/
char		*optarg;		/* arg associated with option	*/

/* Linked in later. */
extern char	*index();		/* This may be strchr		*/

getopt(nargc, nargv, ostr)
    int			  nargc;
    char		**nargv;
    char		 *ostr;
    static char		 *place = EMSG;	/* option letter processing	*/
    register char	 *oli;		/* option letter list index	*/

    if (!*place)			/* update scanning pointer	*/
	if (optind >= nargc || *(place = nargv[optind]) != '-' || !*++place)
	if (*place == '-')		/* found "--"			*/
    /* option letter okay? */
    if ((optopt = *place++) == ':' || (oli = index(ostr, optopt)) == NULL)
	if (!*place)
	tell(": illegal option -- ");
	goto Bad;
    if (*++oli != ':')			/* don't need argument		*/
	optarg = NULL;
	if (!*place)
    else				/* need an argument		*/
	if (*place)
	    optarg = place;		/* no white space		*/
	    if (nargc <= ++optind)
		place = EMSG;
		tell(": option requires an argument -- ");
		goto Bad;
		optarg = nargv[optind];	/* white space			*/
	place = EMSG;
    return(optopt);			/* dump back option letter	*/



John B. Chambers, Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corp., Austin, TX
{ihnp4,seismo,ctvax}!ut-sally!mcc-db!jbc, j...@ut-sally.ARPA, chamb...@mcc.ARPA

			  SCO's Case Against IBM

November 12, 2003 - Jed Boal from Eyewitness News KSL 5 TV provides an
overview on SCO's case against IBM. Darl McBride, SCO's president and CEO,
talks about the lawsuit's impact and attacks. Jason Holt, student and 
Linux user, talks about the benefits of code availability and the merits 
of the SCO vs IBM lawsuit. See SCO vs IBM.

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or criticism.