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Path: utzoo!decvax!genrad!panda!talcott!harvard!seismo!ut-sally!mcc-db!jbc
From: j...@mcc-db.UUCP (John B. Chambers)
Newsgroups: mod.std.unix
Subject: Re; bostic's getopt
Message-ID: <249@mcc-db.UUCP>
Date: Sun, 14-Jul-85 19:56:36 EDT
Article-I.D.: mcc-db.249
Posted: Sun Jul 14 19:56:36 1985
Date-Received: Mon, 15-Jul-85 10:08:24 EDT
Reply-To: std-unix-request@ut-sally
Organization: MCC (Austin, TX)
Lines: 145
Approved: j...@mcc-db.UUCP
From: John Chambers (guest moderator) <ut-sally!std-unix>
Topic: getopt and command line arguments continued
Date: Wed, 10 Jul 85 15:14:05 edt
From: harvard!talcott!wjh12!mirror...@ut-sally.ARPA (Rich Salz)
Subject: Re; bostic's getopt
I have modified Keith Bostic's getopt code to make three changes:
1. my own (warped) esthetics.
2. add non-stdio code compile-time flag.
3. add trivial code to handle the opterr variable.
This last change is the most important; opterr, if set to 0 in
mainline code, suppresses printing all error messages.
i also cleaned up a couple of things.
feel free to re-post this to std-unix, or even {net,mod}.sourceds
if you think it will be worthwhile...
Rich $alz {mit-eddie, ihnp4!inmet, wjh12, cca, datacube} !mirror!rs
Mirror Systems 2067 Massachusetts Ave.
617-661-0777 Cambridge, MA, 02140
** This is a public domain version of getopt(3).
** Bugs, fixes to:
** Keith Bostic
** ARPA: keith@seismo
** UUCP: seismo!keith
** Added NO_STDIO, opterr handling, Rich $alz (mirror!rs).
#include <stdio.h>
** Error macro. Maybe we want stdio, maybe we don't.
** The (undocumented?) variable opterr tells us whether or not
** to print errors.
#ifdef NO_STDIO
#define tell(s) \
if (opterr) \
{ \
char ebuf[2]; \
(void)write(2, nargv, (unsigned int)strlen(nargv)); \
(void)write(2, s, (unsigned int)strlen(s)); \
ebuf[0] = optopt; \
ebuf[1] = '\n'; \
(void)write(2, ebuf, 2); \
#define tell(s) \
if (opterr) \
(void)fputs(*nargv, stderr), \
(void)fputs(s,stderr), \
(void)fputc(optopt, stderr), \
(void)fputc('\n', stderr)
/* Global variables. */
static char EMSG[] = "";
int opterr = 1; /* undocumented error-suppressor*/
int optind = 1, /* index into argv vector */
int optopt; /* char checked for validity */
char *optarg; /* arg associated with option */
/* Linked in later. */
extern char *index(); /* This may be strchr */
getopt(nargc, nargv, ostr)
int nargc;
char **nargv;
char *ostr;
static char *place = EMSG; /* option letter processing */
register char *oli; /* option letter list index */
if (!*place) /* update scanning pointer */
if (optind >= nargc || *(place = nargv[optind]) != '-' || !*++place)
if (*place == '-') /* found "--" */
/* option letter okay? */
if ((optopt = *place++) == ':' || (oli = index(ostr, optopt)) == NULL)
if (!*place)
tell(": illegal option -- ");
goto Bad;
if (*++oli != ':') /* don't need argument */
optarg = NULL;
if (!*place)
else /* need an argument */
if (*place)
optarg = place; /* no white space */
if (nargc <= ++optind)
place = EMSG;
tell(": option requires an argument -- ");
goto Bad;
optarg = nargv[optind]; /* white space */
place = EMSG;
return(optopt); /* dump back option letter */
John B. Chambers, Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corp., Austin, TX
{ihnp4,seismo,ctvax}!ut-sally!mcc-db!jbc, j...@ut-sally.ARPA, chamb...@mcc.ARPA