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Path: utzoo!linus!decvax!decwrl!pyramid!csg
From: c...@pyramid.UUCP (Carl S. Gutekunst)
Newsgroups: net.sources
Subject: Dhrystone results: Pyramid 90x and VAX-11/750
Message-ID: <27@pyramid.UUCP>
Date: Thu, 19-Sep-85 22:36:55 EDT
Article-I.D.: pyramid.27
Posted: Thu Sep 19 22:36:55 1985
Date-Received: Sat, 21-Sep-85 11:46:22 EDT
Reply-To: c...@pyramid.UUCP (Carl S. Gutekunst)
Organization: Pyramid Technology, Mountain View, CA
Lines: 24

I ran the recently posted Dhrystone benchmark on our Pyramid 90x communications
server and our VAX-11/750.  Here is the updated table of results:

 * --------------------------	------------	-----------	---------------
 * IBM PC/XT	8088-4.77Mhz	VENIX/86 2.0	cc		 297	 324
 * IBM PC/AT	80286-6Mhz	PCDOS 3.0	CI-C86 2.1	 666	 684
 * ATT 3B2/300	MAC32-?Mhz	UNIX 5.0.2	cc		 735	 806
 * VAX 11/750	-		Unix 4.2bsd	cc		 862	 877
 * IBM PC/AT	80286-6Mhz	VENIX/86 2.1	cc		 961	1000
 * ATT PC7300	68010-10Mhz	UNIX 5.2	cc		1041	1111
 * Sun2/120	68010-10Mhz	Sun 4.2BSD	cc		1136	1219
 * PDP 11/70	-		UNIX 5.2	cc		1162	1250
 * IBM PC/AT	80286-7.5Mhz	VENIX/86 2.1	cc		1190	1315 *
 * VAX 11/780	-		UNIX 5.2	cc		1515	1562
 * ATT 3B20	-		UNIX 5.2	cc		1515	1724
 * HP9000-500   B series CPU    HP-UX 4.02      cc		1724      -
 * Pyramid 90x  -		OSx 2.5		cc		3125    3125
      -m-------   Carl S. Gutekunst, Software R&D, Pyramid Technology Corp.
    ---mmm-----   P.O. Box 7925    {allegra,decwrl,dual,nsc,sun}\
  -----mmmmm---   Mt. View, CA      {ihnp4,uiucuxa,uwvax}!pyrchi >!pyramid!csg
-------mmmmmmm-   415/965-7200                       topaz!pyrnj/

			  SCO's Case Against IBM

November 12, 2003 - Jed Boal from Eyewitness News KSL 5 TV provides an
overview on SCO's case against IBM. Darl McBride, SCO's president and CEO,
talks about the lawsuit's impact and attacks. Jason Holt, student and 
Linux user, talks about the benefits of code availability and the merits 
of the SCO vs IBM lawsuit. See SCO vs IBM.

Note: The materials and information included in these Web pages are not to
be used for any other purpose other than private study, research, review
or criticism.