Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP
Posting-Version: version B 2.10.1 6/24/83; site pyramid.UUCP
Path: utzoo!decvax!decwrl!pyramid!csg
From: c...@pyramid.UUCP (Carl S. Gutekunst)
Subject: Site pyramid down 4th weekend in August
Message-ID: <247@pyramid.UUCP>
Date: Tue, 20-Aug-85 20:27:33 EDT
Article-I.D.: pyramid.247
Posted: Tue Aug 20 20:27:33 1985
Date-Received: Wed, 21-Aug-85 09:44:01 EDT
Reply-To: c...@pyramid.UUCP (Carl S. Gutekunst)
Distribution: na
Organization: Pyramid Technology
Lines: 123

Site pyramid will be down from 4:00 pm PDT Friday 23 August 1985, until 8:00
am PDT Monday 26 August 1985. Sites that depend on us for mail routing should
plan accordingly.

We will be replacing our tired, overworked VAX-11/750 with a Pyramid 90x. All
queued mail and news files will be moved to the new machine, so nothing should
be lost. The new system will enable us to greatly expand our usenet operations;
in a couple of weeks we'll be posting an offer for new sites to connect with us
for UUCP and news feed. We also plan to contect with CSNET in the near future.

The new pathalias entries for Pyramid follow.

#N	pyramid
#O	Pyramid Technology Corporation
#S	Pyramid 90x; OSx 2.5
#C	Carl S. Gutekunst, Software R&D
#E	pyramid!postmaster,pyramid!usenet,pyramid!csg
#T	+1 415 965 7200
#P	1295 Charleston Road, P.O. Box 7295, Mountain View, CA 94039-7295
#L	122 0 3 W / 37 23 18 N city
#U	tolerant
#W	pyramid!csg (Carl S. Gutekunst) Tue Aug 20 17:07:11 PDT 1985
#R	Manufacturer of high-performace Unix-based super-minicomputers
#	ARPANET: pyra...@sri-unix.ARPA
#	usenet:	 {allegra,decwrl,dual,shasta,sun}!pyramid
# These are the people we talk to via pyramid:
# allegra	AT&T Bell Labs, Murray Hill, NJ. (Very reliable)
# andromeda	Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ
# blia		Britton Lee, Inc., Berkeley, CA
# boulder	University of Colorado, Computer Science Dept., Boulder, CO
# cromemco	Cromemco, Inc., Mountain View, CA.
# decwrl	Digital Equipment Corp, Western Research Lab, Los Altos, CA
# dual		Dual Systems, Berkeley, CA (unreliable; line often busy)
# fourier	???
# gould9	Gould, San Diego Sales Office, San Diego, CA
# greipa	Genstar Rental Electronics, Palo Alto, CA
# gymble	Univ. of Maryland, Lab. for Parallel Processing, College Park, MD
# hhb		HHB-Softron, Mahwah, NJ
# hughes	Hughes Aircraft???
# imcgpe	???
# iuvax		Indiana University Computer Science Dept.
# jove		???
# megatest	Megatest Corporation, San Jose, CA
# nbires	NBI, Inc., Boulder, CO
# ncrmsd	NCR Micrographics Systems Division, Mountain View, CA
# olympus	Silicon Graphics, Inc., Mountain View, CA
# plx		Plexus Corp., San Jose, CA
# pyrcorp	Pyramid Technology Corp., Customer Service and Marketing
# pyrnj		Pyramid Technology, New Jersey Field Office
# ritcv		Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY
# sbcs		SUNY at Stony Brook, Dept. of Computer Science, Stony Brook, NY
# sco		The Santa Cruz Operation, Santa Cruz, CA
# Shasta	Stanford University Computer Science Lab, Palo Alto, CA
# sri-unix	SRI International, Palo Alto, CA
# sun		Sun Microsystems, Inc., Montain View, CA (Very Reliable)
# tnova		Telenova, Inc., Los Gatos, CA
# tolerant	Tolerant Systems, Inc., San Jose, CA
# tommif	???
# topaz		Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ
# tty3b		Teletype Corp., Skokie, Ill.
# uiucdcs	University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Ill.
# yale		Yale University, Dept. of Computer Science, New Haven, CT
# Dead systems worked at some point in time; some may work again. Ncrmsd is
# probably gone for good (*Sob, Sob*).
pyramid allegra(DEMAND+HIGH), andromeda(DEMAND), blia(DEMAND), boulder(DEMAND),
	cromemco(DIRECT), decwrl(DIRECT), dpolk(DEAD), dual(WEEKLY), fourier(DEAD),
	gould9(DEMAND), greipa(DEMAND), gymble(DEAD), hhb(DEMAND), hughes(DEAD),
	imcgpe(DEAD), iuvax(DEMAND), jove(DEAD),
	megatest(DIRECT), nbires(DEMAND), ncrmsd(DEAD), olympus(DIRECT),
	plx(DEAD), pyrcorp(DIRECT), pyrnj(DEMAND), ritcv(DEMAND),
	sbcs(DEMAND), sco(DEAD), Shasta(DIRECT+HIGH), sri-unix(DIRECT),
	sun(DIRECT+HIGH), tnova(DEAD), tolerant(DEMAND), tommif(DEAD),
	topaz(DEMAND), tty3b(DEMAND), uiucdcs(DEMAND), yale(DEMAND)

#N	pyrcorp
#O	Pyramid Technology Corporation, Customer Service & Marketing
#S	Pyramid 90x; OSx 2.5
#C	David Byle, Customer Service
#E	pyrcorp!byle
#T	+1 415 965 7200
#P	1295 Charleston Road, P.O. Box 7295, Mountain View, CA 94039-7295
#L	122 0 3 W / 37 23 18 N city
#W	pyramid!csg (Carl S. Gutekunst) Tue Aug 20 17:07:11 PDT 1985
#R	Manufacturer of high-performace Unix-based super-minicomputers
#	ARPANET: pyramid!pyrc...@sri-unix.ARPA
#	usenet:	 {dual,pyramid,ihnp4!resonex}!pyrcorp
# These are the people we talk to via pyrcorp (eventually all will also
# connect to pyramid):
# bbncca	BBN Communications Corp., Cambridge, MA
# boulder	University of Colorado, Computer Science Dept., Boulder, CO
# calma		Calma CAD Systems, Santa Clara, CA
# clockwise	AT&T Bell Labs, Murray Hill, NJ
# datacube	Datacube Inc., Peabody, MA
# dual		Dual Systems, Berkeley, CA (unreliable; line often busy)
# greipa	Genstar Rental Electronics, Palo Alto, CA
# gymble	Univ. of Maryland, Lab. for Parallel Processing, College Park, MD
# ncrmsd	NCR Micrographics Systems Division, Mountain View, CA
# pyramid	Pyramid Technology Corporation, Mountain View, CA
# resonex	Resonex, Sunnyvale, CA
# Shasta	Stanford University Computer Science Lab, Palo Alto, CA
# sri-unix	SRI International, Palo Alto, CA
# tikal		Teltone Corp., OR
# uiucdcs	University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Ill.
# vecpyr	Visual Engineering Corp., San Jose, CA
pyrcorp	bbncca(DEMAND), boulder(DEMAND), clockwise(EVENING), dual(WEEKLY),
	datacube(DEMAND), calma(DIRECT), greipa(DIRECT), gymble(DEMAND),
	ncrmsd(DEAD), pyramid(DIRECT), resonex(DIRECT), Shasta(DIRECT),
	sri-unix(DIRECT), tikal(DAILY/3), uiucdcs(DEMAND), vecpyr(DIRECT)

      -m-------     Carl S. Gutekunst, Software R&D, Pyramid Technology
    ---mmm-----     P.O. Box 7295, Mountain View, CA 94039   415/965-7200
  -----mmmmm---     UUCP: {allegra,decwrl,Shasta,sun,topaz!pyrnj}!pyramid!csg
-------mmmmmmm-     ARPA: pyramid!...@sri-unix.ARPA

			  SCO's Case Against IBM

November 12, 2003 - Jed Boal from Eyewitness News KSL 5 TV provides an
overview on SCO's case against IBM. Darl McBride, SCO's president and CEO,
talks about the lawsuit's impact and attacks. Jason Holt, student and 
Linux user, talks about the benefits of code availability and the merits 
of the SCO vs IBM lawsuit. See SCO vs IBM.

Note: The materials and information included in these Web pages are not to
be used for any other purpose other than private study, research, review
or criticism.