Re: Office Space ;) and coordinate systems

Joe Andrieu (andrieu@alta.COM)
Mon, 29 Aug 94 17:00:25 PDT

Adam T. McClure <> writes:
> I would urge all the readers of the list to stop living in the real
>world so much and start going virtual [stuff deleted]

> Always just my $.02, but why recreate the same crappy office
>environment or even our homes when we can have the Garden of Eden?

Hear! Hear! Reality is a bit of a limitation when it comes to visualizing

Pick a basis space. Any space. I don't care. Make z go backwards and x
to the left, y going up and 1 unit = 1 inch. Or whatever we can agree on.
It doesn't matter.

Have objects specify the transformation from it's native space (in which it
was designed) into the basis space. Now, every author knows which way is
up and front and how big _every_ object is, and can apply another transform
to map the object appropriately into their scene if they wish.

Very simple.

To support Brian's concept of views, we can identify 'common native spaces'
for object creators and authors to use if they see fit.

Normal Space: z = up, x = across horizontally from left to right, y =
horizontally away from the "front", 1 unit = 1 meter.

Galactic Space: z,x,y = standard, but 1 unit = 1 AU.

Micro Space: z,x,y = standard, but 1 unit = 1 um

etc., any number of basis sets can be established.

Now different creators and authors can build objects and scenes specifying
a common native space - noting so in the definition file. Then others can
use these objects or link to these scenes and have some idea about scale
and orientation, knowing without looking what transformations will work.
These voluntary basis standards will help facilitate object exchange and
scene integration, but allow creators and authors to use unique and
arbitrary coordinate systems as they desire.

Is there any agreement that this set up would satisfy both our flexibility
and standardization concerns?


Common Behaviors is a completely different ball 'o wax.

Joe Andrieu