Re: CNS colors

Benjamin C. W. Sittler (
Fri, 2 Feb 1996 11:23:41 -0700 (MST)

On Fri, 2 Feb 1996, Hakon Lie wrote:

> Chris Lilley has brought to attention a color naming scheme that fits
> neatly into CSS. CNS is described in [1]. The basic components of CNS
> are:

> hues: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, brown, white, gray, black

> saturation: grayish, moderate, strong, vivid (vivid is default)

> lightness: very dark, dark, medium, light, very light (medium is default)
> In order to incorporate CNS into CSS we need some sample code for
> convert to RGB, and to resolve the 'magenta' conflict. Before we go
> ahead with this, what are people's reactions?

This seems like a good way of describing colors in human-readable form.
I'm all for it.

> [1] T Berk, L Brownston, A Kaufman: A New Color-Naming System for
> Graphis Languages, IEE CG&A, May 1982

Benjamin C. W. Sittler