Re: draft-ietf-html-style-00.txt & class as a general selector

Hakon Lie (
Fri, 8 Dec 1995 14:31:39 +0100 writes:

> > > [CLASS="foo"] { color: blue }
> > > *.foo { color: blue }
> > > .foo { color: blue }

> In the third example, . means "a class called" but this does not seem
> to scale well, particularly when CSS is later used for other DTDs which
> might not have a class attribute (or might have one that means something
> else)

In CSS1, which is HTML-specific, '.' is a shorthand for "a class
called". CSS2 will introduce a way of declaring what attribute '.'
refers to:

@archform CLASS

This is hidden in the formal grammer part of the specifications that
discusses CSS2.

> Let's use @ and = for these, though the representation
> could be some other token. I just thought @ (at) was memorable for
> "attribute" and = seemed obvious for "has the value"
> We then have (spacing is up to you):
> bar { something } all bar elements
> bar @CLASS = foo { something } all bar elements with class attribute foo
> bar @ID = foo { something } all bar elements with id atribute foo
> bar @LANG = foo all bar elements with lang atribute foo
> (and so on)
> @CLASS = foo { something } all elements with class attribute foo

I like the '@' mnemonics. Perhaps we can rearrange our previous use of
the character..

> Which seems fairly regular and easy to parse - properly bracketed. Then
> for notational convenience, when using CSS with HTML, we have the
> following short forms:
> . means @CLASS =
> # means @ID = or whatever token is chosen

Having a shorthand for ID is not only a syntactical convenience;
knowing that the attribute is unique will help implementors. We were
thinking about a different shorthand:

"x67y" { .. }

> So
> {something } all bar elements with class attribute foo
> .foo { something } all elements with class attribute foo
> #42 { something } the element with id attribute 42
> This gives a concise and regular notation, it seems.

Yes, and is very much in line with CSS thinking. A few questions

- should one also allow the more verbose versions (CLASS=foo,
ID=x67y) in CSS1?

- what do people prefer,
-- #x65y or "x56y" ?
-- @CLASS=foo or [CLASS=foo] ?



Hakon W Lie, W3C/INRIA, Sophia-Antipolis, France