Claudia Yolanda Sastre C. (csastre@uniandes.edu.co)
Wed, 23 Aug 1995 08:26:11 -0500
>I am interested in talking with anyone who has written applications
>that provide WWW access to a relational database. =20
>The idea is to send queries from httpd (unix) to Sql-Server (Window NT).
>Erika Mancilla F. Universidad de Los Andes
>Ingeniero S.T.I. Centro de Computo
> Carrera 1a. No. 18A
- 70
>E-Mail : emancill@uniandes.edu.co Apartado Aereo 4976=20
>Telefonos : + [57 1] 2834180 / 2815680 Santaf=E9 de Bogot=E1, D.C.
> Ext. 2962=20
>Fax : + [57 1] 2841890 Colombia, Sur America
Ingeniera de Sistemas y Computacion
Area de Servicios de Tecnologia Informatica
Centro de Computo - Universidad de los Andes
Santafe de Bogota, Colombia
e-Mail: csastre@uniandes.edu.co
Tel: (+57 1) 2 81 56 80
Fax: 2 84 18 90