---from comp.infosystems.www.browsers.ms-windows---
I asked this at the authoring.html group, but I never got an
in the NCSA Mosiac final beta release notes at:
there are note on attributes for the body tag to change the colors
in a document. These appear to resemble Netscapes extensions.
I cannot find similar attributes in the HTML 3 spec at:
So, the question is: are these attributes real HTML? or did NCSA
play follow the leader to Netscape?
Does anyone know if NCSA plans to implement style sheets ever?
C h a r l e s P e y t o n T a y l o r ctaylor@nps.navy.mil
The opinions and views expressed ## even though we're on our own,
are my own and do not reflect ## we are never all alone,
Those of the Naval PostGraduate School ## when we are singing, singing.
---end excerpt---
-- %%%%%% mikebat@clark.net %%%%%% http://www.clark.net/pub/mikebat/ %%%%%%