Mike Batchelor (mikebat@clark.net)
Tue, 11 Jul 1995 16:53:12 -0400 (EDT)

Shouldn't <CITE>, <Q>, and <BLOCKQUOTE> have an ATTRIBution associated
with them? Something like:

<q>Any sufficiently advanced cluelessness is indistinguishable from
humour.<attrib>Francois Souchay<br>news.admin.policy</attrib></q>

Which would render something like:

"Any sufficiently advanced cluelessness is indistinguishable from humour."
-- Francois Souchay

I think <attrib> is an important content markup that would be especially
useful to indexing robots. Not to mention indexing Usenet itself, which
brings up the question of nested quotes and attributions. Could it be
allowable to have nested quotations?

<q><q><q><attrib>andy@intel.com wrote:</attrib>
<attrib>bill@microsoft.com replied:</attrib>
<attrib>joe@user.net said:</attrib>
Is not!</q>
Is too!</q>
You are both idiots!</q>

Applying style sheets to this could make it render like it does in a
newsreader, or something else could be done with it. There are a myriad
of attribution styles, though... footnotes, margin notes, etc, etc.

 %%%%%% mikebat@clark.net %%%%%% http://www.clark.net/pub/mikebat/www/ %%%%%%