Re: Suppress scroll bars - an idea

Mike Batchelor (
Sun, 2 Jul 1995 12:48:49 -0400 (EDT)

Walter Ian Kaye once wrote...
> At 11:05p 07/01/95, Mike Batchelor wrote:
> >I have a suggestion for another style attribute: no-scrollbars. I don't
> >know about any of you, but I find it tiresome to use a scrollbar on a long
> >
> >Any comments?
> Re "no-scrollbars": No way, no how, nu-uh. Bad bad bad.

Why why why. Flat declarations do little to illuminate your thinking.

> Re browser buttons: Hear, hear! This is a good thing.
> Microsoft Excel and Word have facilities in their languages for creating
> button bars, and it would be super to have support for that in a web
> browser.

I stumbled across a reference to this regarding the <LINK> tag, but no
details were given. Possibly the ability to do this is already present in

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