I think all of the items Mike mentioned warrant readers/browsers
according to the device being used. Current HTML browsers utilize the
video screen for output; why not have a Stylesheet DTD Browser that
interprets printer tags? One for audio( AV ) tags? etc.?
The HTML browser calls the appropriate browser ( NOT Helper
Application! ) to interpret tags it can't understand based on the
function involved. When I start a print job, the HTML browser does
nothing; it's the job of the "Print" Browser to relay the info to the
Kind of a "OLE/OpenDoc/CORBA" meets "SGML"....
This might be the same ideas that have been tossed around before in
this same thread; just a thought...
> <mike
| Scott Bell - Systems Analyst | Rumors, Bile, Innuendo, and
| Sec. of State/IS Div. | Sometimes Even The Truth.
| scott.a.bell@state.or.us | - Wired! mag webpage logo
| "I speak for myself and no one else" - #include disclaimer.h
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