why does the following line not work?

Jauder Ho (jauderho@med.umich.edu)
Wed, 10 May 1995 16:35:38 +0500

I don't understand why the following line does not work

<!--#exec cgi="/cgi-bin/finger?jauderho@umich.edu" -->

This is just an example. It seems that the server-side include #exec
will not take a variable that is

<!--#exec cgi="/cgi-bin/finger" -->

will work. What gives? Does anyone know? Thanks..


Jauder Ho http://spwww.mcit.med.umich.edu/~jauderho/
Special Projects jauderho@med.umich.edu
Medical Center Information Technology (MCIT)
University of Michigan Medical Center, B1911 CFOB
1414 Catherine Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-0704 (313) 936-4897