Unless of course the file is already there in the cache...
There are a few
> alternatives:
> 1) Read the manual of your editor and learn how to use macros.
Yes, ccp and #include are useful for now, but not a long term
solution. What if I want to include objects from other sites that don't
necessarily have control over or are updated frequently? Or I don't want
to recreate a tree of 100,000 documents simply because I've fixed a
typo on the copyright message?
> 2) Use server-side includes. Though that has the disadvantages of
> fooling proxies and caches.
Not "fool", "break".
> 3) Use something like m4 macros to generate the files, including the
> included fragments.
See 1.
> 4) Use <a>.
Exactly how it was originally supposed to work: <A REL="embed"
HREF="copyright.html">. And then along came <IMG> and the rest is history.
But I think you were suggesting something like
<a href="/copyright.html">Copyright</a>
which isn't quite there either.
brian@organic.com brian@hyperreal.com http://www.[hyperreal,organic].com/