Re: XMP and HTML 2.0 and 3.0

Michal Young (
Tue, 2 May 1995 12:38:52 +0500

>OK but what should I use if I want a block of text to be inserted without
>any interpratation of HTML tags? I really need it. Did I miss something?

It's relatively easy to write a filter that will "protect" each piece of
html code, by replacing special characters with hexadecimal character
codes. I use the following C function in a filter for program listings
(I'm cutting and pasting from a larger file, so I hope I don't mess it up).

* Purify a string: escape whatever needs escaping Pass it a buffer large
* enough for the purified string to fit (allow about 3 times max string
* length) Return values is a shared reference to the buffer, for convenience
* in using Purify_String in a call to printf. Do NOT use the same buffer in
* two nested function calls (e.g., a printf with two string arguments),
* since this would alias the buffer.
char *Purify_String(char *s, char *buffer);

* Escmap[ch] = 0 if ch can be echoed as itself, -1 if ch should be printed
* as decimal code
static int escmap[256];

* We will escape: Non-graphic characters and the html special
* characters < > & "
static char *impure = "<>&\"\\";
char ch;
for (ch = 0; ch <= 126; ++ch) {
escmap[ch] = 0; /* Default: just print it */
if (!isprint(ch)) {
escmap[ch] = -1;
int i;
for (i = 127; i <= 255; ++i) {
escmap[(char) i] = -1;
for (i = 0; ch = impure[i]; ++i) {
escmap[impure[i]] = -1;
}; /* Nested declaration block */

/* other stuff here ... */

* Purify a string: escape whatever needs escaping Pass it a buffer large
* enough for the purified string to fit (max 5 times string length). Return
* values is a shared reference to the buffer, for convenience in using
* Purify_String in a call to printf. Do NOT use the same buffer in two
* nested function calls (e.g., a printf with two string arguments), since
* this would alias the buffer.
char *
Purify_String(char *s, char *buffer)
char ch;
int si, bi; /* Index into input string, output buffer */
for (si = 0, bi = 0; s[si]; si++) {
ch = s[si];
if (escmap[ch] == 0) {
buffer[bi++] = ch;
} else if (escmap[ch] == -1) {
sprintf(&buffer[bi], "&#%03d;", ch);
bi += 6;
} else {
buffer[bi++] = '?';
buffer[bi] = 0;
return buffer;

Michal Young
Purdue University
Software Engineering Research Center
Department of Computer Sciences
1398 Computer Science Building
West Lafayette, IN 47907-1398
voice: 317-494-6023
fax: 317-494-0739