6th ASIS SIG/CR Classification Research Workshop - Call for Participation

Ray Schwartz (schwartz@panix.com)
Fri, 3 Feb 1995 00:28:43 +0100


6th ASIS SIG/CR Classification Research Workshop:
An interdisciplinary meeting

The American Society for Information Science Special Interest Group on
Classification Research (ASIS SIG/CR) invites submissions for the 6th
ASIS Classification Research Workshop, to be held at the 58th Annual
Meeting of ASIS in Chicago, IL. The workshop will take place Sunday,
October 8th, 1995, 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. ASIS '95 continues through
Thursday, October 12th.

The CR Workshop is designed to be an exchange of ideas among active
researchers with interests in the creation, development, management,
representation, display, comparison, compatibility, theory, and
application of classification schemes. Emphasis will be on semantic
classification, in contrast to statistically based schemes. Topics
include, but are not limited to:

- Warrant for concepts in classification schemes.
- Concept acquisition.
- Basis for semantic classes.
- Automated techniques to assist in creating classification schemes.
- Statistical techniques used for developing explicit semantic classes.
- Relations and their properties.
- Inheritance and subsumption.
- Knowledge representation schemes.
- Classification algorithms.
- Procedural knowledge in classification schemes.
- Reasoning with classification schemes.
- Software for management of classification schemes.
- Interfaces for displaying classification schemes.
- Data structures and programming languages for classification schemes.
- Image classification.
- Comparison and compatibility between classification schemes.
- Applications such as subject analysis, natural language understanding,
information retrieval, expert systems.
- Representation and access on the Internet

The CR Workshop welcomes submissions from various disciplines. Those
interested in participating are invited to submit a short (1-2 page
single-spaced) position paper summarizing substantive work that has been
conducted in the above areas or other areas related to semantic
classification schemes, and a statement briefly outlining the reason for
wanting to participate in the workshop. Submissions may include
background papers as attachments. Participation will be of two kinds:
presenter and regular participant. Those selected as presenters will be
invited to submit expanded versions of their position papers and to speak
to those papers in brief presentations during the workshop. Submitted
position papers will be refereed for acceptance for publication in the
proceedings. Some of the accepted papers will be selected for an
expanded version in the proceedings. Authors of expanded papers will be
invited to speak to their papers in brief presentations during the
workshop. All position papers (both expanded and short papers) will be
published in proceedings to be distributed prior to the workshop. The
workshop's early registration fee is $35.00 for SIG/CR members and/or
participants; $45.00 for ASIS members; $60.00 for non-members. (The
workshop is separate from the ASIS Annual, an additional registration is
required for the Annual Conference).

Previous proceedings are titled "Advances in Classification Research:
proceedings of the ... ASIS SIG/CR Classification Workshop" and are
published by Learned Information, Inc., Medford, NJ.

Submissions should be made by email, or diskette accompanied by paper
copy, or paper copy only (fax or postal), to arrive by April 15, 1995, to:

Ray Schwartz, 530 Jefferson St., #13, Hoboken, New Jersey 07030, USA
Work Phone: 212-305-3294; Fax: 212-305-6193;
Home Phone: 201-656-8807; Email: rps4@columbia.edu
URL: http://www.columbia.edu/~rps4/sigcr.html

Email or Postcard confirmations will be sent upon receipt of
submissions. For additional information, email rps4@columbia.edu or
access URL: http://www.columbia.edu/~rps4/sigcr.html