I think this meets most of what I would like.
If the RULES attribute is added to the TR element, then it could override
the default RULES setting of the table for a particular row (which achieves
most of the rest).
I'm not sure how the same effect can be elegantly achieved for columns,
but it could be done by adding a BORDERS attribute to TD and TH:
borders (none|horiz|vert|vleft|vright|htop|hbottom|all) none
but that is pretty horrible! It also wouldn't cope with ruling like:
xxx | aaaa
yyy | bbbb
The only advantage(?) of such a scheme is that it effectively allows custom
ruling in a table.
--- Tony Jebson --- International Computers Limited (ICL)
--- aj@wg.icl.co.uk --- http://www.to.icl.fi/~aj/index.html
--- All opinions expressed here (however stupid) are my own,
--- and nothing stated here is an official statement by ICL.