Re: Character-escape (MSSCHAR) in HTML?

Bert Bos (
Mon, 12 Sep 1994 18:31:45 +0200 (METDST)

|There are some of optional features in SGML that are not widely implemented,
|or that may cause problems if implemented.
|I'm nervous about MSSCHAR for a number of reasons. The behaviour of
|an entity ending in MSSCHAR seems to me to be undefined, for example.
|At the IETF meetings in Toront, the phrase `ISO syndrome' was bandied
|about for standards ratified before they are implemented; if it was done
|again, SGML would be different.
|I'm afraid I'd say don't use MSSCHAR.
|You can do most of what you want with SDATA entities anyway, e.g. instead
|of \<P> you can write &lt;P>. Although this looks uglier at first sight,
|editors (e.g. our HoTMetaL!) can display this as <P>.
|Also, I have often seen <\P> from PC users. This is currently an error;
|your proposal would make it legal -- the < is not followed by a NAMECHAR,
|so it would be a literal < followd by an escaped P followed by a >.
|Liam Quin, Manager of Contracting, SoftQuad Inc +1 416 239 4801
|HexSweeper NeWS game;OPEN LOOK+XView+mf-fonts FAQs;lq-text unix text retrieval
|SoftQuad HoTMetaL:, and also

####[ Bert Bos                     ]####[ Alfa-informatica,           ]####
####[ <>            ]####[ Rijksuniversiteit Groningen ]####
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