Web thru E-mail

Mon, 03 Jul 95 12:16:31

Hi Ian and All:

First, for those of you/us pushing the Web technology envelope
and wondering why I'm cluttering up your mailbox with this --
Again, in view of e-mail's towering dominance as the #1 most
common user platform, this would be a great feature to add to all
the Web- servers- in- development our there today. Not as sexy
as Web client/server OOPL or http DOM extensions, but very
practical and important.

Now, Ian, the 2 servers we know of for Web-thru-E-mail:

(1) mailto: webmail@www.ucc.ie
body: GO [insert url you want]
Unfortunately, the turnaround time of this server seems to
average about 1 week. This server only handles http urls (e.g.,
no FTP, etc.)

(2) mailto: agora@w3.mail.org
body: send [insert url you want]
Yes, I see you already have tried this server. But, a couple of
points -- (a) The word from W3 is that they are currently
re-jiggering their mail servers and "to have patience" during
this period (about 2 to 4 weeks). In general, the turn-around
time of this server is 15 to 30 minutes. (b) The many previous
addresses to this server have all been replaced by the address
above, so, only that address likely works.

If you, or other folks, know of similar Web-by-E-mail servers,
please shout.
