Re: Msdos/windows based www server

Willy Lehotz (
Fri, 28 Apr 1995 09:11:45 +0500

Willy Lehotz

On Thu, 27 Apr 1995, Willy Lehotz wrote:

Hello to all...
I have followed this list for almost a year now.
What I have learned has helped me create HTMLs. Thank you all.
I contract to the USDA\Consolidated Farm Service Agency. We have finally
set up a World Wide Web Homepage:<"Http://>
It runs on a 486 Msdos based PC. The software we use is Major BBS from
Galaticomm. (I do not mean to plug or advertise any commercial product)
I am belive I am writting in HTML 2.0. I am having problems with forms,
ie: I can not save or "get the input from the forms. Our web is windows
based and I understand there is a way to interface our homepage /windows
to access a database, such as Paradox for windows.
Are there any "scripts"
that can be run on msdos/windows pc?
They/we plan to move to a UNIX box someday.
Please feel free to come to our page and look around. I will accept any
comments or critques?. I also want to setup a guestbook/form so visitors may
sign in.
Thank You very much
Willy Lehotz, Mastech Systems Corporation. A05wlehotz@ATTMAIL.COM