gwstat AND xvgr

rallo claudia (
Sun, 1 Jan 1995 00:20:14 +0100

I have installed xvgr on my sparcstation because i want to use gwstat.
However, some error messages appear on my screen when I run gwstat (see
below). Then, gwstat succefully invokes xvgr (I made a link from xvgr to
grbatch), but not in the batch mode; in fact, xvgr opens a window with a
plot but unless I quit the program (xvgr) manually, gwstat stops on this
first window.
Could you please help me?
With many thanks,
Claudia Rallo

Here are the error messages I get at the beginning:


Xvgr version 2.10 - PJ Turner OGI-ESE
(C) Copyright 1991-1993 Paul J. Turner
All Rights Reserved
Error: syntax error: S0 SYMBOL COLOR 1
Error at line 47: S0 SYMBOL COLOR 1

Error: syntax error: S0 SYMBOL LINEWIDTH 1
Error at line 48: S0 SYMBOL LINEWIDTH 1

Error: syntax error: S0 SYMBOL LINESTYLE 1
Error at line 49: S0 SYMBOL LINESTYLE 1

mv: /tmp/root_hourly.gif: Cannot access: No such file or directory
mv: /tmp/root_hourly-chip.gif: Cannot access: No such file or directory
rm: /tmp/root_hourly.eps: No such file or directory
Xvgr version 2.10 - PJ Turner OGI-ESE
(C) Copyright 1991-1993 Paul J. Turner
All Rights Reserved
Error: syntax error: S0 SYMBOL COLOR 1
Error at line 47: S0 SYMBOL COLOR 1


Claudia Rallo
Istituto Internazionale di Genetica e Biofisica CNR
Via G. Marconi 12
80125 Napoli
Tel. 39-(0)81-7257310
Telefax 39-(0)81-5936123