Lots and lots of places are now.
> > I'm dreading the day where pages are just one large imagemap gif of the
> > page, exactly as the provider wants it to look.
> No no, one large imagemap jpeg. Scarcity of resources and all that...
Ah, two people who havent been to the Microsoft WWW site then... :)
.--------Paul Wain ( X.500 Project Engineer and WWW Person at Brunel)---------.
| Brunel WWW Support: www@brunel.ac.uk MPhil Email: Paul.Wain@brunel.ac.uk |
| Work Email (default): Paul.Wain@brunel.ac.uk (Brunel internal extn: 2391) |
| http://http2.brunel.ac.uk:8080/paul or http://http2.brunel.ac.uk/~eepgpsw |
`-------------------So much to fit in, and so little space!-------------------'