A problem that I have been grappling with for a while now is how to call
the second script. We have successfully done this using "Location: URI".
However long, complex queries such as that shown here get truncated after
255 (?) characters.
Location: http://kaos.erin.gov.au/cgi-bin/SFgate?database=kaos.erin.gov.au:4500/new-sp-multi-erin&maxhits=40&tie=and&theme=MARINE&wbndgcoord+<+148.5+and+wbndgcoord+>+144.5+and+ebndgcoord+<+148.5+and+ebndgcoord+>+144.5+and+nbndgcoord+<+-39.0+and+nbndgcoord+>+-44.0+and+sbndgcoord+<+-39.0+and+sbndgcoord+>+-44.0
So my question is...
Is there a better way to call consecutive CGI scripts to avoid this problem
or is there something that I am missing?
Thanks for your help.
David Crossley - Geographic Information Systems Manager GPO Box 787
email: davidc@erin.gov.au Canberra ACT 2601
phone: +61 6 274 1139 fax: +61 6 274 1333 Australia
ERIN Environmental Resources Information Network ERIN