I see I should have added the sentence I had thought about adding on making
the extraction of the plain text arbitrarily hard...
What I was trying to convey was that no scheme will be 100% effective.
However, I expect schemes that require "large" amounts of computing power
to overcome will be acceptable to most publishers. "rot13" is unlikely to
be used by serious publishers; some kind of public-key system will work
quite well until the factoring problem is solved (if it can be solved at
It will take careful program design to create readers/browsers that cannot
easily be made to save away the now-decrypted data. "Arbitrarily hard",
once again...
Mark Fisher Thomson Consumer Electronics
fisherm@indy.tce.com Indianapolis, IN
"Just as you should not underestimate the bandwidth of a station wagon
traveling 65 mph filled with 8mm tapes, you should not overestimate
the bandwidth of FTP by mail."