Re: Client Compliance
Fri, 26 Aug 94 16:38:20 PDT

>We need some sort of "Compliance Test". Every client produced should be
>able to be "certified" compliant with a particular level of HTTP and HTML
>support. Either that or a big list of un-compliant clients should be
>regularly posted to try to shake the authors up a bit. The Compliance level
>should be sent from the client along with the standard User-Agent field.

I think, as someone else said earlier, compliance will come in line with HTML
2.0/3.0 specs as they are finalized. I, too, think that sending this info
out with the HTTP request is kind of overkill, and adds to an already long
request header.

>With all the talk recently on this list about "Expires:" HTTP headers its
>interesting to see if any of the clients actually make use of this

I certainly agree that browsers SHOULD pay attention to the Expires: field,
but it's really of more importance that cacheing proxy servers pay attention
to it - nothing is likely to stay in my (i.e., me running it) AIR Mosaic
cache longer than 5 minutes or so, because I'm usually actively surfing.
Another thing to chalk up on the to do list...

>How about returning a GIF on STDOUT from a CGI script - all the clients
>work apart from WinMosaic and AirMosaic which don't bother with the
>mime-type for determining what to do with a file - they still use the
>file extension!

Umm, well, on close examination (My initial reaction was "WHAT?!? No they
don't..."), it looks like they use the file extension for INLINE IMAGES
only. (Don't look at me, I didn't write that ****. :^) I was going to say
"I'll have it fixed up in AIR Mosaic in the next day or two", but I was
disgusted enough to go fix it while this email was still on my screen.
It now uses the Content-Type in the MIME headers, as God intended. :^)

-Chris Wilson
Don't bother blaming SPRY for anything I say, they'll disavow all knowledge
of my involvement. :^)

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Chris Wilson Spry, Inc.
WWW Technology Lead 316 Occidental Avenue S. 2nd Floor
Email: Seattle, WA 98104
Phone: (206) 447-0300 FAX: (206) 447-9008