ANNOUNCEMENT: SIGWEB #8, June 16, 1994 (Berkeley, CA)

Christopher McRae (
Fri, 27 May 1994 09:44:42 -0700

The next SIGWEB meeting will be held in Berkeley, California.

Time: Thursday 16 June 1994, 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Place: 155 Dwinelle Hall, UC Berkeley campus

The meeting will consist of two sets of presentations on networked
information retrieval topics with a break for light refreshments in
between. It is jointly hosted by Information Systems & Technology,
UC Berkeley, and the Division of Library Automation, UC Office of
the President.

Details concerning meeting location, parking, and agenda will be
posted closer to the meeting date. Questions concerning this meeting
may be directed to John Kunze ( or Chris McRae,

SIGWEB is an organization started in October 1993 to facilitate
communication between practitioners of a field known generally as
Networked Information Delivery and Retrieval (NIDR) within the Bay
Area and surrounding region. Past events have included presentations
by leaders in the development of the World Wide Web and its client
interfaces, Wide Area Information Service (WAIS), Gopher, Internet
infrastructure, commercial applications of the Internet (e.g. CommerceNet),
etc. All aspects of NIDR, from technical details and software applications,
through standards and end-user applications are open topics of discussion.
SIGWEB is an all volunteer run group welcoming participation from all
interested individuals.

To join the SIGWEB electronic mail list, send a message to
Include one line in the message body,
subscribe sig-web <your name>