Re: beyond IMAGEMAP

Brian Behlendorf (
Mon, 9 May 1994 22:20:25 +0000 (GMT)

On Tue, 10 May 1994, David Crossley wrote:
> This facility is extremely powerful and allows very creative ways to serve
> information. However we are finding that for many applications we need more
> than a simple point location on the image. We need the user to be able to
> define a rectangle on the map image (click, hold, drag, release).
> As I understand it, this operation is not currently supported by IMAGEMAP.
> Are there any plans to introduce this feature or can can anyone see other
> ways around this lack?

This might be considered a hack, but it's likely to work fine: have the
user click once on the image map, then return exactly the same page with
the clicked coordinate highlighted somehow on the image map itself, and
the user clicks again, and you can form a rectangle from those two
sets of coordinates.
