cataloguing-typically done

Fri, 29 Apr 1994 08:52:25 EDT

hi, my name is Valere

I am currently a MLS student at Simmons College, Boston, Massachusetts.
For my library cataloguing class, I am assigned to write on how cataloguing
is typically done in an acaedemic library from another country. If anyone
can assist me, it would be much appreciated. Here are some questions, I
have to include in my paper:

1. What cataloguing codes are used?
2. What types of subject access are prevalent?
3. Is OPACS widespread?
4. Are there cooperative cataloguing efforts?
5. Is networking common?

Unfortunely, the assignment is due 3 May 1994. Any information can be forward
to this fax number: (413)-782-7342.

Thank-you for any assistant you can give me.

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