can someone please point me to a source where I can learn how two
supply EXPIRE or related stuff in my html-documents?
Beside this, I have a problem with caching. I use the proxy cern httpd2.16b,
lynx2.2 and Mosaic2.2. The server I maintain is the "entry"-server
for * The server provides links to some faculties
and institutions of uni-frankfurt, which have own servers. In addition
it serves our own pages (cs-department). Naturally, I won't have it caching
the httpd-requests that go to *, because this isn't necessary
and would obsolete the other servers.
I didn't found how to prevent httpd2.16b from caching certain sites. Is there
a way to prevent Mosaic and Lynx from using my server as a proxy for
such requests ?
-- Jens Kurlanda (Raum:014b) J.W.Goethe Universitaet Frakfurt Tel:069 798 8378 Robert-Mayer-Strasse 11-15 Email: D-60054 Frankfurt (Germany)