The idea seems rather nifty to me. Status might be amount of
searching accomplished instead of percent complete, for those
cases where 100% complete is not easily defined. In a fickle
network a user can benefit by noting that progress has halted
on a long request.
Maybe this is too burdensome for HTTP, maybe not. But don't do it at all
if your idea of doing it is a fake status report.
/Rich Wiggins, CWIS Coordinator, Michigan State U
>> Status: 20 % of search done
>> ... and a bit later
>> Status: 100 % done!
>WOW!!!!!! Does this mean that you have solved the halting problem?????
>Would you please explain how you are supposed to know what 20% done means? :-)
>Anyway, the point is that you could do this for timeout related functions
>but in that case you would be much better off just returning the timeout
>value to the client.
>The *only* useful thing you could do is print warm fuzzies, but then the
>browser could really just fake that and everyone would be happy 99% of the
>time with 1% of the effort.