That's the idea. Well let NCSA & Cornell do all the fancy stuff and
KU can fill in those unsightly gaps in between :)
> It would also be neat if it worked with a modem, but without SLIP.
> I spent some time thinking about this, and decided that one could
> easily run the networking stuff as a program on the "mainframe",
> with a cache etc. given that error correction is handled by modems.
Yes that would be an option once it's stable.
> This approach gives you much better scrolling speeds than just
> running Lynx under a terminal emulator, plus the ability to save
> locally and to use a local printer. Borland's C++ package takes
> away the pain of having to deal with different display types.
We are using turbo vision to give a psuedo windowing capibility,
mouse control, pull down windows, and an overall nice apperance.
> p.s. I am beavering away on the revised DTD, and hope to publish it
> soon as I get test cases to work well on SGML authoring tools.
Looking forward to it.
-- ************************************************************************** * T H E U N I V E R S I T Y O F K A N S A S * * Lou MONTULLI @ * * ACS Computing Services * * 913/864-0436 Ukanvax.bitnet Lawrence, KS 66044 * * UNIX! Cool! I know that! Jurassic Park - The Movie * **************************************************************************