Re: Generalising inlined images
Thu, 7 Oct 93 08:21:53 +0100 writes:
> > My other problem with <IMG SRC...> and <INC SRV...> is that they do
> > different things depending on whether you're fetching via an HTTP server or
> > a client. I don't have any easy answers right now, but I forsee major user
> > confusion when people put together documents and test them locally, only to
> > find out they don't work off a server because of access privs. relative
> > pathing, etc. Any ideas?
> I think hacking <INC> into the server is a bad idea. I've mentioned this
> before. If you do that then you have really created a new type and it
> should be filename.hacked-html instead of filename.html to make it
> clear that it's not HTML. Then format negotiation would convert
> text/x-hacked-html to text/html if required (and when browsers start
> support <INC> They will just Accept: text/x-hacked-html).

I use this code with my plexus server (it does the work for me):

package inc;

sub init
$main'ext{'hacked-html'} = 'text/hacked-html';
$main'trans{'text/hacked-html'} = "text/html:inc'html";

sub html
# this is a translation filter
while (<STDIN>) {

sub inc
local($_) = $_[0];
return scalar(`$1`) if /^cmd="([^"]+)"/i;
return "<pre>\n".scalar(`$1`)."</pre>\n" if /^precmd="([^"]+)"/i;
return eval "$1" if /^perl="([^"]+)"/i;
return scalar(`cat $1`) if /^file="([^"]+)"/i;
return "<em>&lt;inc $1&gt; not understood</em>";