# <suffix> <representation> <encoding> [<quality>]
suffix .html text/html 7bit
suffix .rtx text/richtext 7bit
suffix .etx text/x-setext 7bit 0.9
suffix .txt text/plain 7bit 0.5
suffix .ps application/postscript binary
suffix .dvi application/x-dvi binary
suffix .hdf application/x-hdf binary
suffix .snd audio/basic binary
suffix .au audio/basic binary
suffix .aif audio/x-aiff binary
suffix .wav audio/x-wav binary
suffix .gif image/gif binary
suffix .jpg image/jpeg binary
suffix .tif image/tiff binary
suffix .xbm image/x-xbitmap binary
suffix .mpg video/mpeg binary
suffix .mov video/quicktime binary
suffix .avi video/x-msvideo binary
suffix .movie video/x-sgi-movie binary
suffix *.* application/octet-stream binary 0.1
suffix * text/plain 7bit
Refer to http://www.bsdi.com/HTTP:TNG/MIME-ClientProfile.html
(and the MIME RFC) for a more complete listing.