I ported it to VMS. I also ported the info.cern.ch WWWLibrary v2.09a
and WWWLineMode browser v2.06 to VMS. You can get the modifications from my
gopher server (sci.wfeb.edu 70) in WFEB FileServer/ (we don't have aFTP
here). I didn't try to fix the bugs. They're the same on VMS as on Unix:
For both, the VAX/VMS HELP gateway (http://vxcrna.cern.ch:80/) doesn't
work. In addition, for Lynx2-0-11:
1) The aFTP gateway doesn't work.
2) The TechInfo pages are not searchable.
3) It still misses anchors in http://www.civeng.carleton.ca:8001/
Foteos Macrides Worcester Foundation for Experimental Biology
MACRIDES@SCI.WFEB.EDU 222 Maple Avenue, Shrewsbury, MA 01545