<!ELEMENT OrderedList - - (ListItem+)>
<!ATTLIST OrderedList
Numeration (Arabic | Upperalpha | Loweralpha
| Upperroman | Lowerroman) Arabic
InheritNum (Inherit | Ignore) Ignore
Continuation (Yes | No) No >
Numeration is what Nathan is looking for; InheritNum indicates that
the previous level of numbering should continue for a nested list
(that is, 1.A for the first item of a list nested at second level,
instead of just A); Continuation means to pick up the sequence of
the last closed ordered list (one list has four items, then you
break for some paras, then start another list at number 5 instead
of number 1).
-- Terry Allen (terry@ora.com) Editor, Digital Media Group O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. Sebastopol, Calif., 95472