[begin excuses]
Unfortunately, My job only permits me a couple of hours a day on this
project, and that includes coming up with local documentation.
[end excuses]
But you're right.
I personally believe this is one of the most important projects going
on on the internet right now. I think you're doing a wonderful job,
getting things right, dealing with everybody's (like mine) annoying
criticism, etc. But your doing this thing right, and I like it.
So how about a constructive idea? I won't be able to implement this
until three weeks from now since I'm bouncing to two different
conferences for the next two weeks, but:
I could easily write a robot which would roam around the Web (perhaps
stochastically?), and verify the html, using sgmls. Then, whenever
I come across something that's non-compliant, I could automatically
send mail to wwwmaster@sitename. No one would have to annoy anyone else
about whether or not they've verified their HTML; a program would annoy
them automatically.
All we have to do is agree to set up the wwwmaster aliases. (In the
event of bounce-o-grams, we could always annoy the postmaster, or
failing that, root.)
This would also be a good chance to map out the entire Web. Anyone
know any good algorithms for drawing arbitrary directed graphs with
no overlap? Which reminds me, a good directed graph is the right way
to implement a history mechanism. Somebody want to take a crack at