Here is a list of the most frequently asked questions about BlogEngine.NET. For more detailed documentation you can always visit the Wiki [ http://www.dotnetblogengine.net/wiki/ ] or check out the docs [ http://www.dotnetblogengine.net/docs/ ].
Q: Is BlogEngine.NET open source and completely free?
A: Yes. BlogEngine.NET is build by passionate developers who have too much spare
time, just to make an open source blog engine to give away absolutely free.
Q: Is my mother able to use it?
A: Yes. We have gone to great lengths to make BlogEngine.NET as easy as possible
to use – both from an end user as well as a developer or theme designer’s point
of view.
Q: What are the demands for the web server?
A: The only thing needed to run BlogEngine.NET is a web server that support ASP.NET
2.0 and write permissions on the App_Data folder.
Q: What database is it running on?
A: None. BlogEngine.NET uses XML to store all posts, pages etc. by default. If you
prefer to use a database, a SQL Server provider is included. You can find information
about how to set up the SQL Server provider [ http://www.dotnetblogengine.net/wiki/(X(1)S(pk0xjb55g0x2ew45arirad55))/SQLServerBlogProvider.ashx
] on our Wiki. For any other databases, you can write your own provider, which is
very easy and simple to do.
Q: Can I customize the design of the blog?
A: Yes. If you don’t like the themes provided with BlogEngine.NET, you can change
one so it matches your needs or create a new one from scratch. It requires only
basic knowledge about ASP.NET and HTML to create a theme. Read more on theme creation/modification
here [ http://www.dotnetblogengine.net/wiki/ThemeCreation.ashx ].
Q: I have trouble. Can you help out?
A: Yes, as long as the trouble is BlogEngine.NET related. For information about
the use of BlogEngine.NET or how to create themes, you can find almost everything
you need at our Wiki [ http://www.dotnetblogengine.net/wiki/ ]. If you want to create
extensions and need detailed code documentation, check out the BlogEngine.NET docs
[ http://www.dotnetblogengine.net/docs/ ].
Q: How is BlogEngine.NET licensed?
A: BlogEngine.NET is licensed under the Microsoft Permissive License [ http://www.microsoft.com/resources/sharedsource/licensingbasics/permissivelicense.mspx
], which basically means that you can do anything you want to the source code as
long as you release it under the same license.
Q: I want to contribute to BlogEngine.NET. What do I do?
A: We welcome anybody who wants to contribute. Please read our contribute page [
http://www.dotnetblogengine.net/page/contribute.aspx ] to find out how you can get
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