Drupal 4.5.0 battle plans
Dries - March 23, 2004
With Drupal 4.4.0 around the corner, it is time to share what each of us are
up to. If you plan to work on something in particular, or to contribute to Drupal
in one way or another, please share your personal battle plan in the comments. Please
refrain from posting wishlists: this time around we are merely interested in what
you actually plan to contribute in the next few months. So, what can we expect from
Here is my personal battle pl
Dries - March 23, 2004
Here is my personal battle plan:
- Usability improvements. I'm determined to further improve Drupal's usability.
Despite the fact this has been a continual process and that we made steady progress,
we are not quite there yet. Common tasks such as setting up a vocabulary should
become a lot more intuitive.
- Profile module improvements. I already rewrote the profile module in the
new development branch and will continue to work on it.
- Forum module improvements. I already committed some first forum module improvements
to the development branch but will be adding more.
- Aggregator module improvements: make (composite) feed pages pageable and
add a setting to define how many news items should be kept in the database before
older items are pruned.
- Configurable menus.
The list is not complete and is subject to change but I think it pretty much
summarizes the key points on my personal agenda for the coming months. Of course,
everyone is invited to help. In addition, I'd also like to help with:
- Adding basic document management, and image handling in particular, to core.
I want to add images to my posts and possibly even PDF documents.
- Adding a node-level permission system (ACLs) to core.
- Rewriting the search module and rethinking the search API.
- Improving Drupal's localization.
(Note: I might add more points later.)
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