From: (Beth Frank)
Newsgroups: comp.infosystems.www.providers
Subject: Beta sites wanted for NCSA httpd 1.4
Date: 27 Feb 1995 17:48:24 GMT
Organization: University of Illinois at Urbana
Lines: 17
Message-ID: <3it398$>
Keywords: NCSA httpd
X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]

We are looking for beta sites for NCSA httpd 1.4. 

If you would your site to be considered please
send me information about your machine (type,
available memory & OS) and traffice patterns (amount
& type).  We are hope to test on a wide variety
of platforms.

The focus of Release 1.4 is performance improvements.
The primary change is a reduction in the amount of
forking done.

		Elizabeth Frank
		HTTPD Development Team
		NCSA, University of IL

From: (Rob Hartill)
Newsgroups: comp.infosystems.www.providers
Subject: Re: Beta sites wanted for NCSA httpd 1.4
Date: 27 Feb 1995 23:45:59 GMT
Organization: Los Alamos National Laboratory
Lines: 31
Distribution: world
Message-ID: <3ito7n$>
References: <3it398$>
Keywords: NCSA httpd

In article <3it398$>, (Beth Frank) writes:
|> We are looking for beta sites for NCSA httpd 1.4. 
|> If you would your site to be considered please
|> send me information about your machine (type,
|> available memory & OS) and traffice patterns (amount
|> & type).  We are hope to test on a wide variety
|> of platforms.
|> The focus of Release 1.4 is performance improvements.
|> The primary change is a reduction in the amount of
|> forking done.


When do you expect to have 1.4 ready for general release ?

Also, have you given up on Rob McCool's policy of letting
everyone test the beta version ?.. that system seemed to
work very well with Rob getting lots of feedback.

Asking about net traffic seems a bit premature. Few busy
web sites will be willing to put a beta server online. Most
testing will surely be performed on an otherwise unused port,
where there will be no traffic. Only after the bugs are gone 
will people want to install it properly.

I'm willing to beta test BTW.


From: (Beth Frank)
Newsgroups: comp.infosystems.www.providers
Subject: Re: Beta sites wanted for NCSA httpd 1.4
Date: 28 Feb 1995 15:45:30 GMT
Organization: University of Illinois at Urbana
Lines: 54
Distribution: world
Message-ID: <3ivgeq$>
References: <3it398$> <3ito7n$>
X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]

Rob Hartill ( wrote:
: In article <3it398$>,  I write:
: |> We are looking for beta sites for NCSA httpd 1.4. 

: Beth,

: When do you expect to have 1.4 ready for general release ?

Is soon too vague for you? :^)  Sorry, the boss says we're not
allowed to give out more specific dates.

: Also, have you given up on Rob McCool's policy of letting
: everyone test the beta version ?.. that system seemed to
: work very well with Rob getting lots of feedback.

We're trying to get alittle more professional about our
support for httpd.  One thing that means is we want to make
sure that we know who has the beta and that they get explict
notification when the official release comes out (or if
immediate patches are necessary).  

Our plan is to carefully select a few sites with a diversity
of platforms and traffic.  If everything goes well with those
sites, we'll provide the beta version to anyone who wants to
beta (gamma?) test for us.  After it runs for a few weeks
with no problems we'll make it generally available.

: Asking about net traffic seems a bit premature. Few busy
: web sites will be willing to put a beta server online. Most
: testing will surely be performed on an otherwise unused port,
: where there will be no traffic. Only after the bugs are gone 
: will people want to install it properly.

I understand that.  But some sites are setup to fork incoming
requests to test new servers.  Others will set the beta up on 
a light traffic port.  We would like to know what people are
willing to provide us and we'll make our selections for the
first sites accordingly.

: I'm willing to beta test BTW.

Then please mail me ( information about
what platform you are willing to run 1.4-beta on (machine,
memory & OS) and how much traffic of what type you expect
the server to get.

: thanks,
: rob

		Elizabeth Frank
		NCSA httpd development team

From: (Beth Frank)
Subject: NCSA httpd 1.4 Beta Test
Date: 1995/03/30
Message-ID: <3lf2gt$rpn@alfa02.Medio.Net>#1/1
X-Deja-AN: 100543067
organization: University of Illinois at Urbana
followup-to: comp.infosystems.www.misc
newsgroups: comp.infosystems.www.announce

The BETA version of NCSA's httpd server is now generally
available.  The OFFICIAL release should be available in
ONE OR TWO weeks.  Things are going well with the beta 
test so far, but I strongly encourage to wait another week
or two for the official release.

In order to get access to the BETA source or binaries you
must register (The official release will be available without
this inconvienence).  Please fill out the form at

< URL:>

It will assign you a name (based on your email address)
and password which will give you access to the files. 
All the binaries for R1.4BETA2 include a source distribution.

Bug reports (and patches) are being handled through
HyperNews.  After installing the NCSA server please check

< URL:>

on a regular basis.  Patch announcements will be Emailed
to everyone who has registered.

Problems with registration (or people who have forgotten
their logins or passwords) shoud be reported to

        Thank you for your help.

                The NCSA httpd Development Team

			  SCO's Case Against IBM

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