Comments: Gated by NETN...@AUVM.AMERICAN.EDU
Path: sparky!uunet!!auvm!UOFT02.UTOLEDO.EDU!BRIAN
X-Envelope-to: jne...@uga.BITNET
X-VMS-To: IN%"jnet-l@uga"
Newsgroups: bit.listserv.jnet-l
Date:         Thu, 20 Feb 1992 15:31:00 EST
Sender:       BITNIC JNET-L List <JNE...@UGA.BITNET>
From:         Brian Nelson <BR...@UOFT02.UTOLEDO.EDU>
Subject:      Internet intro doc, "Zen and the Art of the Internet"

For those of you who may not have noticed this in comp.os.vms, I'm
posting it to the jnet-l list.

brian nelson

X-NEWS: uoft02 comp.os.vms: 26670
Relay-Version: VMS News - V6.0-3 14/03/90 VAX/VMS V5.4; site
Newsgroups: comp.os.vms,vmsnet.announce
Subject: Availability of Zen & The Art of the Internet
Message-ID: <>
From: (Brendan Kehoe)
Date: 13 Feb 1992 19:01:49 -0500
Organization: Widener University Computer Science Dept, Chester PA
Lines: 77

The announcement below was sent out a little while ago; they're now
more accessible for people that're using VMS, so I thought this was

In addition to the FTP archives listed, the guide is available from
the University of Toledo as a VMS backup saveset:

* Bitnet interactive messages, from a vms host running jnet

        $ send vmsserv@uoft02 send zen-1.package
        this results in a number of files in vmsshare format

        $ send vmsserv@uoft02 send

* Mail
        send mail to

        send zen-1.package
        this results in a number of files in vmsshare format

         Zen and the Art of the Internet: A Beginner's Guide

I'd like to announce the availability of the first edition of booklet
that I hope will find a wide-spread audience.  It's called ``Zen and
the Art of the Internet'', and serves as an introductory text to using
the Internet in its various incarnations.  In approximately 100 pages,
Zen addresses domain names, electronic mail, telnet and ftp, and a
variety of other topics.  An extensive glossary and fairly decent
bibliography are also included.

This booklet explicitly avoids being oriented towards one specific
operating system or computing environment.  It's not Unix-heavy, nor
does it directly address VMS or any other OS.  Rather, it provides the
fundamental concepts and ideas behind using the Internet, and leaves
the specific details of command options and usage to the local site.

Directors of academic computing services departments for universities
and colleges are encouraged to make copies for their user communities;
system administrators are welcome to offer it to their users, whether
the system be private, commercial, or public; any companies in need of
training or other educational literature may use this booklet as an
aid; and, most of all, "normal users" are invited to use it to help
expand their knowledge of the Internet and the possibilities it
offers.  The author is keenly interested in hearing from anyone
considering large distribution; if you're going to do such a thing,
please drop me a line just to satisfy my curiosity.

Now, how to get it.  Printed copies are currently unavailable (Widener
has no mechanism to deal with this sort of publishing).  However, the
guide is available via anonymous FTP from a number of sites.  It's
stored in three forms: a .tar.Z file (Unix-ites will know what to do
with this), a .dvi file (output from the TeX typesetting system), and
a .PS (Postscript) file.  An ASCII version will be available in the
near future; additionally, Zen is being submitted for acceptance as an
FYI to the RFC editor.

        * [] in pub/zen as zen-1.0.tar.Z,
          zen-1.0.dvi, and zen-1.0.PS
        * [] in /inet/doc
        * [] in pub/zen
        * in /
        * [] in zen

Please send any comments, questions, whatever, to

Thanks, and I hope you find it useful!

Brendan Kehoe
Brendan Kehoe, Sun Network Manager            
Widener University                                                 Chester, PA

            This is the .signature that Bell Atlantic doesn't want you to see.

Path: sparky!uunet!!!hsdndev!dartvax!!widener!news
From: (Brendan Kehoe)
Newsgroups: bionet.general
Subject: Getting Zen & ...
Message-ID: <>
Date: 3 Mar 92 20:16:53 GMT
References: <>
Distribution: bionet
Organization: Widener University Computer Science Dept, Chester PA
Lines: 96

CF427...@LIUVAX.bitnet wrote:
>Is this "book" available in ASCII format?  I don't have access to a
>Postscript printer at this time.  Also, I don't have access to FTP - is it
>available from a LISTSERV?

It's not available in ASCII form yet.  I'll drop a note in
bionet.general when it's finished.  At that time I plan to register
a WAIS database for it, as well.

There are four methods other than direct FTP that you can use to get
the booklet.  If you're on Bitnet, you can write to bitftp@pucc with
the body containing the command "help", or if you're limited to UUCP,
write to with a similar body.  You'll receive
instructions on how to get the file.  (FTP instructions appear below.)
The third yields a VMS backup saveset: writing to vmsserv@uoft02 (aka with the body containing the command

	send zen-1.package

You'll get back a bunch of VMS-SHARE packages (~30), which you can
piece together then extract with the BACKUP command.  (Ask your local
support staff for help if you have trouble.)

Another option is by writing to with the body

	request: nsfnet
	topic: zen-1.0.PS
	topic: zen.readme

You'll get the PostScript version and the README for the guide.  (A
big thank-you to the folks at the NSF for this.)

>  While I'm at it:  I don't have access to Unix decompression programs.  Is
>it available in an uncompressed (or DOS compressed) form?  (Yes, I want

Yup, it's actually primarily distributed uncompressed (for exactly the
reason you bring up).  The site (IP
is the main distribution point, with the stuff stored in the directory
pub/zen.  Only the tar file is compressed.

I'm thrilled with the reponse Zen's received; thanks for your
interest!  (And thanks to Rob Harper for making it available to people
in Finland, as well.)

First, type


and when it gives you the 'Name:' prompt, type


If the name failed, try instead.
Then, with the Password: prompt, just give it your email address;
it doesn't really matter what you type here...using your addr is just
the tradition.  Anyway, you'll get in and be left sitting at the
prompt.  Type

	cd pub/zen

and do `dir'; you'll see the files listed there.  If you want the
PostScript version, type

	get zen-1.0.PS

If you're on a system that only allows one period in a filename, use

	get zen-1-0.PS

for example.  If you want the .DVI (a TeX dvi file) file, type

	get zen-1.0.dvi

(binary so it doesn't monkey with anything in the file).  The .tar.Z
file has the TeX source to the book, as well as the two other files
(PS and dvi); to get that, type

	get zen-1.0.tar.Z

instead.  Once the file's finished transferring, type


to get out.

Good luck!
Brendan Kehoe, Sun Network Manager            
Widener University                                                 Chester, PA
                             "It's MICK-elangelo, not MICHAEL-angelo, dammit."

Path: sparky!uunet!!mips!!iggy.GW.Vitalink.COM!widener!nobody
From: (Brendan Kehoe)
Newsgroups: misc.books.technical,news.newusers.questions,,news.misc,comp.mail.misc
Subject: Zen and the Art of the Internet, Second Edition
Followup-To: misc.books.technical
Date: 8 Jul 1992 08:54:04 -0400
Organization: Widener University Computer Science Dept, Chester PA
Lines: 49
Distribution: world
Message-ID: <>
Reply-To: (Brendan Kehoe)
In-reply-to: RSpitz@Uni-Muenchen.DBP.DE's message of Wed, 8 Jul 1992 08:12:51 GMT

Zen and the Art of the Internet: A Beginner's Guide---your navigator's
guide to the many twists and turns that come with being comfortable
with the Internet.  Published by Prentice Hall, its Second Edition is
due to begin shipping in the middle of July (a couple of weeks).  It
has an ISBN of 0-13-010778-6, and it costs $22.  There are discounts
available for large quantity and educational orders.

Zen is primarily written for people that're comfortable with
computers, but may not have had much (if any) exposure to networks in
general.  No one operating system is targeted; it's purposely
"Operating System-neutral."  Whether you use VM, VMS, Unix, DOS, or
Billy's Virtual Machine, you should find this information useful.
Even if you've been using the Net for years, you'll probably find
something in Zen that you hadn't realized existed before.

Zen discusses how to decypher domain names; use email well; what
telnet is and what's available using it; Usenet news (including a lot
on proper netiquette) ; FTP & archie; the various services that're out
there, in their many forms; and a variety of other topics.

It also features a chapter (my personal favorite) called ``What You'll
Hear About''.  Therein are described the different organizations that
are concerned with or active on the Net, happenings like the Internet
Worm and Cliff Stoll's wily hacker, and discussions of other net lore
as well.  I think you'll find Zen to be a good read, and not anything
like the dry technical manuals that so often proliferate our book
shelves.  The first edition was received incredibly well by the Net in
the past few months.  (Send mail to with
the command `send zen hints' in the body of your message to get
instructions on how to get the first edition.  It will continue to be
distributed, irregardless of what future editions may come out.)

Opened with a foreword by Ed Vielmetti, Vice President of MSEN, the
second edition offers roughly 30 pages of new information, and has
been completely "refinished" front to back, with every page rewritten
or changed in some way.  You'll find it to be much cleaner and more
complete than the first; everything in the first edition has been
supplemented or improved.  It sports a more complete glossary, an
extensive bibliography, and a number of other reference features.
I've directly incorporated the suggestions of dozens of folks on the
net, in the hopes of making it exactly the kind of book you need.

Let Zen be your guide through Cyberspace.  Comments on either edition
are welcome; please send them to

Brendan Kehoe, Sun Network Manager            
Widener University                                                 Chester, PA

			  SCO's Case Against IBM

November 12, 2003 - Jed Boal from Eyewitness News KSL 5 TV provides an
overview on SCO's case against IBM. Darl McBride, SCO's president and CEO,
talks about the lawsuit's impact and attacks. Jason Holt, student and 
Linux user, talks about the benefits of code availability and the merits 
of the SCO vs IBM lawsuit. See SCO vs IBM.

Note: The materials and information included in these Web pages are not to
be used for any other purpose other than private study, research, review
or criticism.