Microsoft Corp. Chooses GEnie - The General Electric Network for Information Exchange - On Which to Provide a Microsoft Windows Developers Roundtable
Seattle -- February 4, 1986 -- PRNewswire -- General Electric Information Services Co. today announced Microsoft Corp. has chosen GEnie -- the General Electric network for information exchange -- on which to provide a Microsoft Windows Developers RoundTable.
"The Microsoft Windows Developers RoundTable, an electronic interchange for windows developers, will provide professional developers with access to vital development information and quality support from the Microsoft experts," said William Louden, general manager of GEnie for GE Information Services.
The RoundTable is sponsored by Microsoft and maintained by their group of experts responsible for Windows development and support. Windows is Microsoft's operating environment which gives MS-DOS computers various graphics, windowing and multi-tasking capabilities.
Speaking here at the Microsoft Windows Development Seminar, Louden said, "Through this RoundTable, professional Microsoft Windows Developers can access and download error-free technical updates without delay; discuss how to get the most out of multi-tasking, visual interface and hardware independence features; or scan posted messages to stay informed and on top of the latest applications.
"Since GE Information Services is developing software applications for Microsoft Windows, we understand the developers' need for fast, reliable information that can be delivered to them error-free and almost instantaneously," he said.
Commenting on the Microsoft Windows Developers RoundTable, Steve Ballmer, vice president-systems software division, Microsoft, said "With numerous software makers planning to become independent software vendors for our Microsoft Windows operating environment, the development of a Microsoft Windows Developers RoundTable on GEnie is of significant importance to our customer service communications."
The Windows Developers RoundTable also includes features such as real time conferencing, electronic bulletin boards, and a software library full of programs which can be downloaded with ease.
When end-users join GEnie and the Microsoft Windows Developers RoundTable, they also will be able to access all of the other services available on GEnie. These include: GE Mail, an electronic mail system; various news and commentary databases such as "Computing Today", "A Networker's Journal" and the "ISIS High-Tech Newswire"; and a number of other special interest group RoundTables.
GEnie offers RoundTables for the following microcomputer-oriented end-user groups: IBM PC, Apple II, Apple Macintosh, Commodore, Tandy, and Atari. In addition, there are a number of other software and related area RoundTables.
"On the IBM PC RoundTable the windows application is discussed from an end-user point-of-view," explained Louden. "Thus the Microsoft Windows developers have an excellent opportunity to communicate directly with the end-users who are interested in using windows," he added.
"We are pleased that the Microsoft Windows Developers RoundTable is available on GEnie since GEnie is the online network for serious microcomputer professionals to talk with other professionals and enthusiasts," said Louden.
GE Information Services is signing up users for GEnie, which went online on Oct. 1, 1985, at a rate three times faster than projected. "With over 3,000 paying users signed up in just four months, GEnie has one of the fastest growth rates in the online network industry," said Louden.
GEnie is designed to allow personal computer and terminal end-users to communicate via a local phone call from any of 450 cities in the United States.
GEnie is available for only $5/hour for non-prime time access at either 300 or 1200 baud. The non-prime time rates for GEnie apply to use Monday through Friday from 6 p.m. to 8 a.m. local time, and all day on Saturday and Sunday and national holidays. Prime time rates for GEnie at 300 or 1200 baud are $35/hour.
There is a $10/hour surcharge for 2400 baud access to GEnie, resulting in a total cost of $15/hour for non-prime time access and $45/hour for prime time access.
Personal computer users can sign up for GEnie from their own keyboard by calling 1-800-638-8369. Set your modem for half duplex (300 or 1200 baud) and be ready with your VISA, MasterCard or CheckFree account number. Upon connection enter HHH then press return. At the U= prompt enter 5JM11987, GEnie and press return. For additional information or assistance in signing up for GEnie, call 1-800-638-9636, ext. 21.
GE Information Services Co., a division of General Electric Co., has its headquarters in Rockville, Md. It offers a range of applied teleprocessing products and services including office and corporate systems, dealer and sales systems, retail systems, electronic data interchange systems, and payment services systems.
Note: Microsoft, RoundTable, MS-DOS, and GE Mail are all registered trademarks.
/CONTACT: Steve Haracznak, 301-294-5647; or Nancy E. Jamison, 301-294-5405; of GE Information Services/
Copyright PR Newswire 1986 wire