Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP
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Path: utzoo!linus!cca!decvax!harpo!eagle!mhuxt!mhuxi!mhuxa!houxm!hocda!spanky!ka
From: k...@spanky.UUCP
Subject: Release 2.10 of vnews (a visual news reading program)
Message-ID: <346@spanky.UUCP>
Date: Sun, 5-Jun-83 23:22:10 EDT
Article-I.D.: spanky.346
Posted: Sun Jun 5 23:22:10 1983
Date-Received: Tue, 7-Jun-83 02:27:52 EDT
Organization: Bell Labs, Holmdel, N. J.
Lines: 34
I have posted release 2.10 of vnews to net.sources. Unlike the
previous release, this release at least attempts to be portable.
A number of new features have been added, including all the new
2.10 features except the digest command.
For those of you who didn't see the previous release, vnews is a
CRT oriented interface to readnews.
- Yes, Mr. Ritchie, the same command (return) is used both to
display more of the same article or the header of the next one.
- Yes, tekecs!mcg, code for followups and replies is broken out
into separate shell procedures.
- Yes, hplabs!kg, vnews always displays the current newsgroup at
the bottom of the screen so you won't forget it.
- Yes, rlgvax!guy, vnews allows you to reply when you get to the
last page of the article rather than after you display the
header of the next one.
- Yes, cdi!caf, vnews strips off the notesfile header. (It
leaves the "- (nf)" on the title so you will know that the ti-
tle may have been truncated.)
- Yes, cornell!hal, if you exit the editor without writing the
file, the mail will not be sent. But no, vnews will not group
articles by topic or date; vnews is simply a different inter-
face to the article selection routines in readnews.
Although these particular features were in vnews before any of
the articles were posted, I am always looking for new ideas, so
take a look at vnews and then post some more suggestions.
Kenneth Almquist